January 1, 2018

I asked online pagan, witch, and Wiccan communities what witchy objects they carried with them on a daily basis. Over 200 people responded. Here are the top ten. Read more

December 27, 2017

Even though I work with ghosts, I was still blown away by what happened with my Samhain altar. Here are seven things I learned about working with the beloved dead. Read more

December 19, 2017

There’s something about this time of year that makes me want to be less active, to turn down invitations in favor of quietude on the sofa. If you’re anything like me, rest assured you’re not messed up, and you’re not alone. Read more

November 27, 2017

For a long time, I underestimated the importance of regular practice. I felt alone spiritually. Fears crept into my subconscious, and I took them on, without questioning whether I believed in them or not. It took hitting rock bottom to realize I needed regular practice just to feel normal. Read more

November 25, 2017

Our lives need a perfect balance of fire, love, passion, and creativity. As a fire dancer, I feel I appreciate that balance more than most people. Too little, and we freeze; but too much, and we get fried to a crisp. Read more

November 7, 2017

I'd been wanting to record my ceremonies for a while, so I started my first book of shadows. I was amazed -- the simple act of writing down my rituals solidified my intentions within me. Now that they were on paper, the energy felt even more within my grasp. Read more

November 6, 2017

Who has two thumbs and hates being told what to do? This girl. For some reason, I have a strong internal need to do things my own way and be my own person. Read more

October 28, 2017

If you believe in energy and you want to make a positive change in politics, you might want to join me and over 30,000 other people for the next binding ritual. Read more

October 24, 2017

I knew I was different from most other people. When I was five, I sang, “aw women” in the church when everyone else sang, “aw men” (or amen). I felt it was so unfair – everyone was praising the men, and the women were just as deserving. Who would praise them? I asked myself. I decided I would. Read more

October 24, 2017

I invoke the goddess. A subtle wind blows, sending chills that tickle my spine. My heart seems to swell and glow, and my throat goes numb. The timeless flow is upon me again. I am transcendent. And yet, to other people, these experiences sound like indigestion and weather phenomena. Read more

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