February 27, 2018

The first time I felt the thrill of the Gods was when I picked up Mythology, the book about the Greek and Roman Gods, by Edith Hamilton. Amazingly, this book is still a bestseller to this day, despite being published in 1942.  These Gods were my first love.  I like to say they were my “Gateway Gods” because they opened the doors to several other cultures of study, spiritual work, and practice. Some of you may remember the term “gateway... Read more

February 12, 2018

Sometimes, things don't work out in a relationship. Here's how you can cut energetic ties, move on, and be ready for the next partner. Read more

February 4, 2018

As a devotee of Hel (or Hela), Norse Goddess of one of the Underworlds, I can not remain silent about her countless misrepresentations in Marvel's Thor: Ragnarok movie.  The Gods have spoken and asked me to write.  So here it is -- everything they got wrong about Hel (and a little about Thor). Read more

February 3, 2018

The Fortune Teller's Handbook contains a lot of good introductory information. It'd be a great book for novices testing the waters or folks at a party who just want to have fun. Read more

February 3, 2018

Even if you're an introvert, you can still enjoy pagan festivals. Here are my tips to navigate the need for space and social time. Read more

January 26, 2018

Pagan festivals and gatherings are magical events! Here are my top nine reasons why you should go to a pagan event, even if you're a solitary. Read more

January 22, 2018

Hogwarts isn't Pagan, despite the loads of witch-chic imagery. Here's how I reimagined Hogwarts as a Pagan School of Magick. Read more

January 12, 2018

If you're looking for love, or want to deepen the love you have, you should read the Witch's Heart by Christopher Penczak. Read more

January 8, 2018

I want a pentacle emoji and I’m tired of waiting for the corporations to think of us. We have faeries, merpeople, vampires, and monster emojis... what about an emoji that would mean a lot to hundreds of thousands of people? Read more

January 7, 2018

It’s time to get more diverse, bookstores. By refusing to stock pagan, Wiccan, and witchcraft books, you’re whitewashing your religious section and losing money. Read more

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