SSF: “Living Like Kings”

SSF: “Living Like Kings” September 1, 2014

You know those times when you find yourself watching something really unusual and fascinating, and when it’s done, all you can do is wish that it had been longer?

Well, that’s exactly how I reacted to this mini-doc, which probably would have felt too short at three (or 20) times the length:

Having visited Christchurch a year after the devastating 2011 Earthquake, I was astounded by the destruction I found. Even 12 month’s later, New Zealand’s second largest city was still struggling to recover. But, I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised: major events such as this have long-lasting effects—the ripples of their influence stretching far beyond what is covered in conventional news coverage. And, so is this case for those featured in Zoe McIntosh’s short documentary, Living Like Kings, a profile piece about a group of opportunistic homeless men, who amidst the rubble and evacuated structures, find a taste of the high-life.

HT to ShortOfTheWeek(Also, a link to another LoadingDocs short, The Jump. And to their entire 2014 slate, while we’re at it.)

Attribution(s): All artwork, publicity images, and stills are the property of their respective creators and/or distributors.

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