Half Disco, Half Exercise (Totally!)

Half Disco, Half Exercise (Totally!) March 10, 2015

Here’s a quote I heard breathlessly shouted by David (The Fourth Son) this past weekend, as he and James (The Fifth Son) were playing Just Dance 2 on their Wii.

Half of this is us learning to disco, but half of it is TOTALLY exercise!!!

Yup. He really-truly speaks that way. Excited and euphoric and filled with boundless enthusiasm, pretty much an exhausting 24/7. (He is also the only person I know who uses “AWESOME!!!” and “COOL!!!” entirely-and-always unironically. I’m thinking of introducing him to “NEATO!!!” before too much longer. Should fit nicely.)

When I heard his shout, half of me thought: “I’m a terrible parent and/or person. Disco? Really?? Am I even trying any more???” But the other half of me was thinking: “Wait. This song was TOTALLY in Guardians of the Galaxy!!!

I was right, too.

DavidWinkAttribution(s): “Winky David” provided by me.

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