October 6, 2015

What am I listening to today, you ask? “Run, Come See Jerusalem,” an old Bahamian Song by (maybe?) Blind Blake Higgs, about the Great Hurricane of 1929 and the sinking of a ship named The Pretoria (if I understand the lyrics/what’s going on). This one’s from The Pennywhistlers, which (if Wikipedia can be trusted) were “an American singing group founded by folklorist and singer Ethel Raim and popular during the 1960s folk music revival, specializing in Eastern European choral music, sung primarily A cappella.”... Read more

October 5, 2015

Another film about getting old and struggling to hold your memories close before finally realizing that passing them along to the next generation is the only way to truly keep them. (I’m not sure why I’m always drawn to these kinds of things, but I am. And the style here is very nice. Plus, I really like the symbolism of the balloons.) A film about our life, the people we meet, the memories we make … Attribution(s): All artwork, publicity... Read more

October 2, 2015

Today’s film is perhaps best thumbnail-sketched as “The Legendary, Dearly -Departed Documentarian, Albert Maysles, Makes A Masterful Documentary About Edna Mode.” It’s a little bit of an over-simplification, because 94-year-old fashion icon Iris Apfel isn’t quite as aggressively sarcastic (or as short) as Edna. But the glasses are spot-on. Yes, I’m talking about Iris, currently streaming on NETFLIX INSTANT and rentable from AMAZON INSTANT($). Albert Maysles focuses on a fashion legend, who at 93 is still at the top of her game,... Read more

September 30, 2015

Robert Keith McFerrin, Jr. + The opening movement of Bach’s Concerto for Violin, String Orchestra and Continuo in A minor (BWV 1041) = Straight-Up, Toe-Tappin’ Gloriousness. And I defy anyone to make that equation equal anything else. I realize that joy is not an emotion typically associated with a minor key, but Bach’s keys seem like little more than a jumping-off point. And besides, McFerrin’s voice always sounds lilting; so alive. So happy (regardless of key). Attribution(s):“Bobby McFerrin” by Steve... Read more

September 25, 2015

Hey, look! Another film about cooking and chefs and saving one’s relationships with one’s children through cooking and chefs! Because last month’s Chef recommendation was just the tip of the “Damaged Family Saved Through The Creation And Consumption Of Fine Cuisine” genre iceberg. OK, I made that last part up. It’s pro’lly not really a genre, though the NY Times’ review does call it “the latest addition — and a quite adorable one — to the cooking melo-comedy subgenre.” Still, the fact that... Read more

September 24, 2015

This past Friday, I recommended Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom as the latest offering in my weekly “Streaming Video Suggestion” series. And within days, the InterWebs were positively ALIVE! with all manner of quirkily-hipsterish Moonrise Kingdom-themed pieces and paraphernalia. Truly, I do not know my own power. OK, fine. The fun flurry of MK material was mostly(entirely) the result of the Criterion Collection’s much-anticipated DVD release on Tuesday. But a guy can dream, right? Interestingly enough, my favorite bit of bonus Kingdom-Com(m)entary isn’t a new one. But the fact that... Read more

September 23, 2015

Yes, you’re right. This is nothing but an ad for Red Bull. (Well, nothing but an ad for Red Bull AND Zach King.) Yes, you’re also right. I don’t care. It’s awesome regardless. (And yes, right again. Rube Goldberg machines have long been an obsession of mine. An obsession of which I am actually proud, for a change.) Attribution(s): All images and stills are the property of Red Bull and/or Zach King. Read more

September 22, 2015

Inspired by last year’s (“evergreen,” luckily) “A Surge Of Scarlatti Sonatas” piece from NPR Music’s “Deceptive Cadence” blog, I’ve been immersing myself in the melodious seas of Domenico “Not Alessandro” Scarlatti over the past few days. It’s been fun, especially as “Listen-While-You-Work” music, where a solo instrument tends to be my melodic weapon of choice. (The only thing I don’t like about the piece? The fact that it’s not entitled “A Surge Of Scarlatti Sonati.” Or even “Surge of Scarlatti Sonatii.” …which wouldn’t actually make any... Read more

September 21, 2015

Half of me is terrified at what J.J. Abrams might do to Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens. The other half of me is super-terrified at what J.J. Abrahms might do to Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens. (And what about the last half? Well, that half just wishes the title were shorter. And had a lot less punctuation.) While acknowledging these (serious) reservations — except for the punctuation, which is more of a personal preference than a reservation,... Read more

September 18, 2015

If you’re not  a fan of the highly distinctive brand of Wryly Quirky and Meticulously-Centered Hipster Cinema peddled by one Mr. Wesley Wales “Wes” Anderson, just keep moving. Today is not your day. For the rest of you, I will point out that Moonrise Kingdom is currently streaming on NETFLIX INSTANT. And YOUTUBE($). And AMAZON INSTANT($). And MORE($). Set in the 1960s, this period comedy drama follows a pair of young lovers from an island off the New England coast as they... Read more

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