True Religion

True Religion September 12, 2006

The cards on the flowers read, “A little something to remind you of God’s beautiful creation and that you are loved. In remembrance of 9/11”.

They stood on the four corners of our busy downtown DC block and handed flowers to weary pedestrians weighed down by the intensity of life in this city capped with the memory of a horrible tragedy 5 years ago.

Kids who struggle to achieve what comes too easy to many of us, turning our neighborhood upside down by reaching out with compassion to those who passed by the church . . . I’m proud of the kids in Calvary’s after school program, Horizons Club, for reaching out to our neighbors with compassion and love on this very hard day.

“Religion that God accepts as true and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1: 27

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