September 25, 2018

Why are witch and occult related apps making some people angry? Why do people think that magic and the modern world are somehow at odds with one another? There's no reason for pagans, polytheists, witches, and general occultists to shun technology. In fact, it can be a huge boost to our work--or even a part of it. Read more

September 12, 2018

When is marketing to pagans, witches and "wanna blessed bes" appropriation? Is Sephora's "witch in a box" selling us out, or are there any upsides to witchcraft becoming mainstream? Read more

September 11, 2018

The fall equinox was the time when Persephone's descent into the underworld was celebrated, and the time of the Greater Eleusinian Mysteries for those who had undergone the Lesser. On this day we express gratitude for all that we have reaped as we take it into the darker months to follow. Read more

September 6, 2018

The term “sacrifice” is used a lot within the pagan and other spiritual communities. While the term used been used since antiquity, much of its connotations have evolved to an extent over the centuries. For starters, what does the term “sacrifice” mean? Read more

September 5, 2018

What does community mean for us as pagans, polytheists, and occultists, and why is it so important--even for solitaries? Given the state of our world and the issues we face daily, this is a crucial time to have this conversation. Read more

August 15, 2018

In our communities there has been a pervasive habit of condoning and making excuses for bad behavior for those who are our fellow initiates, pagans, polytheists, magicians, witches, and occultists in general. Unbalanced mercy or the tolerance of intolerance will ultimately lead to the death of tolerance, and we must vigorously work against it. Read more

August 14, 2018

What is toxic positivity culture, and why we need to avoid it in order to not enable abusers and predators in our communities--not to mention deprive ourselves of much needed personal development and self care. Read more

August 1, 2018

The future is not just female, it is intersectional. And the answer to inequality is not "separate but equal" traditions which are anything but. We need to stop being afraid of challenging structures which no longer work in order to appease other people's prejudices. Read more

July 31, 2018

For too long people have used religion, tradition, and philosophy as shields to hide behind in order to excuse their inflexible and bigoted thinking towards gender, sexuality, and many other issues. The rest of us are marching into the twenty-first century whether you like it or not. Read more

July 30, 2018

In light of #metoo, how do we protect our communities as witches and occultists and create a safe space for everyone? How can we ensure that we know how to handle inappropriate behavior when it occurs? Read more

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