July 26, 2018

Fertility is so much more than just baby-making, and has intense importance in many pagan and witchcraft traditions not just in modern times but ancient ones as well. It's about life, death, and nature itself. Read more

July 25, 2018

Where can female voices be found within various magical traditions? And why is ceremonial magic frequently considered to have more men and traditional witchcraft more women? It's time for more female leaders, speakers, and influencers to be heard from in all areas of magic, and magical traditions. Read more

July 24, 2018

Gender isn't binary and it's not determined by your bits, either. So why should these things supposedly impact what actions you can take within magical and spiritual traditions? It's time to enter into the twenty-first century and rethink gender roles and gender polarity itself. Read more

July 22, 2018

As a modern day Hellenist, I feel that the neo-Pagan wheel of the year and its celebration of agriculture and the seasons are readily interpreted to reflect our worship of the Greek gods. Lammas as a harvest festival is no different, and here's how I honor it. Read more

July 19, 2018

The "Maiden-Mother-Crone" model is often popular among pagans and Wiccans, but the idea has long left a sour taste in my mouth. Why are women still using this outdated model to describe female divinity in a way that not only reduces us to our parts and fertility status, but was actually invented by a man? Read more

July 18, 2018

What is divination, and why is it important? Most pagans and polytheists have heard of divination and might be familiar with a method or two, but this post will cover why it is an essential skill to have for any pagan, polytheist, or occultist. Read more

July 17, 2018

The time has come for women to be able to embrace their sexuality in whatever form or forms it does (or does not) come in without being objectified for it. Unfortunately too often "sex positive" culture has done just that under the guise of liberation. Read more

July 16, 2018

How to avoid unrealistic expectations from the gods and to have more realistic expectations for ourselves when calling upon them in our respective work(s). Read more

July 13, 2018

Witches are meant to be subversive, challenge the status quo, and act on behalf of the outcast, the disenfranchised, and the unfairly disadvantaged -- and frequently witches are a part of these groups too. This frequently means that what is "politics" to someone else directly impacts our own lives and rights in living it. Read more

July 10, 2018

What is witchcraft? Is it a term which is interchangeable with magic, or does it have other implications? Are our attitudes towards the definition of this word modern, or are there ancient sources and ideas which back up our ideas on what witchcraft is? Read more

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