Power & Focus Through Ritual & Magical Movement

Power & Focus Through Ritual & Magical Movement November 20, 2020

Time to recap the last week of the Witchual Workout!  If you don’t know about it – the Witchual Workout is a daily program designed to get you (and me) up and moving regularly – with a dash of magical inspiration to help build and enhance your daily practice. You don’t have to be a dancer of any kind to participate and I encourage you to listen to your body and modify as needed.  Many of these episodes can be done from a seated position as well.

So last week’s episodes started off with channeling an iconic symbol and worked their way through managing and manifesting your power. Here they are (in order):

Monday, November 9th – The Power Sigil
We look at the Power Sigil – recognizing that 4 years ago today, I created this sigil to protect and empower folks. It has been a symbol of power, hope, resilience, and resistance for so many over the last 4 years – and it will continue to guide and inspire us. You can use this to ground, focus, and protect.

Tuesday, November 10th: Tarot – The Magician
The Magician is about learning to use our power, to explore the tools before us, and become skilled at manifesting. The Magician is calm, cool, and collected. The Magician knows that change starts from within and then affects the world around us.

Wednesday, November 11th: Baba Yaga
Today’s inspiration is Baba Yaga – the quintessenial Witch of the woods in Russian and Slavic Mythology. She helps those who seek to do good and makes sure that those who are unjust or evil get what they deserve. Great energy to work with as we finish up this waning moon and transition into the New Moon.

Thursday, November 12th: Oracle – Inspiration
Magic starts with thought, inspiration is tied to it. Today we’re doing a combination workout-moving meditation, so it’s all one long song that builds into our working. Consider what you wish to be inspired by, what you wish to manifest in the world – what do you want to stir into your cauldron?

Friday November 13th: Friday the 13th 
Friday is a free day and today happens to be the 13th as well. So in this episode, we do a simple seated moving meditation in connection with the New Moon. Consider what you wish to manifest in your life, what you want to take root – use these few minutes to relax, ground, focus, and put in some intention.

I’ve made a handy playlist of all of the Witchual Workout episodes – you can access it here. You can absolutely jump around to different episodes or themes, or levels of difficulty.  Some episodes are designed just for sitting or focus on a single part of the body, so you can do what you are able or feeling engaged to do.

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