We’ve reached the end of another year – which means it’s time for the NEW Sigil for the Year. Rather than setting a New Year’s resolution, I prefer to set the tone for the coming year with a sigil. This shifts the focus away from a single goal or task to a larger theme or perspective to consider to help bring about change.
I started doing this back around 2015-2016. At the end of each year, I collaborate with my Patreon supporters to craft a sigil for the coming year. They provide a few words or phrases that they’d like to see as a theme for the new year. I go through all of the input and create a list of elements for us to work with and then we use my signature Sigil Witchery method to craft the sigil.
For the past 3 years, I’ve done it live via our weekly Zoom session so folks can join in on the process. If you’re on my Patreon (or want to join it for just $1 a month which gets you access to a lot of behind-the-scenes art and magic), you can watch the video recording. It was too long this year for me to edit and place up on Youtube. In the video, you can see the process happen in real time, as well as in-depth discussion about how the words were grouped, what they mean, and how we brought the sigil to life.
If you want to see last year’s sigil, you can check out the 2022 Sigil for the Year here.
Here is the virtual whiteboard from the workshop:

Included in this sigil:
- Healing, Repair
- Connection, Togetherness
- Compassion
- Creativity, Fun
- Prosperity
- Stability, Balance, Alignment, Harmony, Simplicity, Present in the Moment
- Understanding, Clarity, Intuition, Insightfulness, Self-Discipline
- Good Health
- Peace
- Gratitude, Appreciation
- Wisdom
- Completion
- Energy, Passion, Power
- Hope, Uplift
- Boldness, Adventure, Exploration, Opportunity
- Abundance, Replenishment, Growth
- Safety, Personal Privacy, Healthy Boundaries, Banish Fear, Justice, Protection, Integrity
- Transmutation, Adaptability, Resilience, Growth
The Sigil

How To Use This Sigil
You are welcome to use this sigil however you see fit that is in alignment with the intent of the sigil.
Suggestions for use:
– Carve or place on a candle for celebrating the transition from 2022 into 2023 (white, silver, or gold is recommended, but if you are drawn to another color, follow your intuition)
– Place on your altar, wear on the body, or put in places that are related to the changes you wish to bring into your life/your community
– Put it on a journal, notebook, calendar, or planner – some place you will go to regularly throughout the year.
– Use in meditation as a focus – either mentally or walk/dance/draw it with your body as a moving meditation
Please note: When sharing this sigil (or any other sigil you find on this blog), please be sure to include the link to the blog post. The sigil works best if people understand precisely what went into it, versus just sharing the image and telling people to use it.
2023 Sigil for the Year by Laura Tempest Zakroff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To find out more about this method of crafting sigils created by Laura Tempest Zakroff (author of the best-selling book Sigil Witchery), checking out Sigil Witchery.