Featured Blog of the Week: Sigmund Carl and Alfred

Featured Blog of the Week: Sigmund Carl and Alfred August 16, 2005

You ever hear the expression “I don’t always agree with what he says, but I love the way he says it?”

Well…actually I often agree with Sigmund Carl and Alfred but its the way they say it that usually floats my boat. Lover of language and snark, SCA manages to do the disdainful smackdown in a way that is both vicious and elegant. We may not be talking Wolcott or Wodehouse but we’re definately talking Welles.

And they talk about everything and everything.

The thing is, don’t go there expecting to zip through 5 interesting items and then moving on. Chances are you’ll be parked at one interesting item, fully explored, often with updates taken from the comments section. SCA are very generous hosts who give lots of time and attention (and encouragement) to the commenters, even when they do not agree. I frankly don’t know how they keep up.

Check out SCA. Intelligent commentary with a psychological spin. You’ll like.

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