Ambrose gets last word on 2 Veeps

Ambrose gets last word on 2 Veeps February 22, 2006

This is a good piece by Jay Ambrose, detailing the manner in which the press overreported birdshotgate and underreported Al Gore’s lies to Saudi Arabia.

He makes a few good points, not the least of which is why the hell DIDN’T Scott McClellen simply say to David Gregory, “You know, Dave, did you ever stop to think that the man was simply shaken up after shooting a good friend?”

And yes, the fact that Al Gore could simply LIE about the “terrible abuses of Muslims after 9/11” (You know, what with President Bush visiting mosques and Americans offering to help “women of cover” to go shopping without encountering any mischief…in fact there was incredibly LITTLE mischief of any kind….) to listen to him you’d think Bush had rounded up the Muslims and put them in interment camps, or something.

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