Back from retreat! What’d I miss?

Back from retreat! What’d I miss? March 7, 2006

Near as I can tell, I missed the Oscars, but even the dresses didn’t seem that exciting to me, so I guess I didn’t miss much except that it’s hard out there for a pimp, or something!

My email box is very full – I’m sure whatever I missed is in there, but please understand if you don’t hear back from me for a while.

The retreat did not inspire any funny stories like the last one. Yes, there was an organized retreat going on – some sort of “strive to be a happy woman” retreat which was VERY noisy the two times I encountered them, but on this retreat I decided to “keep to cell” as the Carthusians would say it, and only came out of my room for mass and meals – and even then, only one meal a day because that’s all I wanted.

It was pretty interesting. I wasn’t actually trying to replicate (on any small, totally incongruous scale) any part of a Carthusian’s life “in cell.” I was not pretending to be part of An Infinity of Little Hours, (which I was reading, btw along with The DaVinci Deception) I was really just in the mood to stay in the room and do all of my reading/praying/watercoloring where it was wonderfully quiet and warm. Did I say quiet? :-)

Anyway, the books were great, the silence was great, the retreat was very fruitful, and I’ve got a ton of stuff to catch up on.

If you’re looking for some interesting reading, particularly for Lent, check out this week’s Catholic Carnival which is all full of Lent-y blogging goodness.

At The Bookshelf.

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