A very light round-up

A very light round-up June 19, 2006

I’ve had difficulty focusing today – lots of people between the ages of 21 and 17 seem to be coming in and out of the house, and there is mulch and stuff on the floor, and ukulele music…it’s all very confusing and trying…so I’m just going to link to a few things that might interest or amuse you, and leave you to your devices.

The Cap’n, my blogfather, Ed Morrissey is recuperating from back surgery, and he has a nice little round-up of his own, at his site (thanks for the link, Capting – as Eliza Doolittle would say, “you’re real good!”).

The Colossus Blog has decided to try channeling Glenn Reynolds, and finds he’s not that amused at himself.

Mary Katharine Ham is talking about the value of shame, which is pretty wise. As I’ve said before, heaven forbid we should ever feel the least bit bad about ourselves.

The president came into my neck of the woods today and the Merchant Marines enjoyed him.

Catherine Seipp thinks the press is absolutely clueless about what ails it and I think she’s spot-on. An excellent piece.

The Democrats still think the best way to win a war is to tell our enemies when we’ll be moving out.

Congrats to Betsy Newmark and her team!.

James Lileks takes issue with butt-ugly buildings and I say bless him for it.

Julie is living through her teenager daughter’s breakup and she points out that it is a multi-phased endeavor.

Ace is taking a peek at the Yarlmuke Bra…this modern age we live in!

You’ll excuse me, now. I hear a din of teenage male voices in the backyard…surprisingly enough, that is rarely the good thing you might think it should be.

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