I’m a 25 and other links

I’m a 25 and other links January 3, 2007

That would be a “25” on this test to gauge one’s political posture. A “25” puts me in Bush 41 land, although I take issue with a few of the questions for which I thought the answers too broad. I was conflicted, for example in having to choose between Ronald Reagan and FDR as “best president.” See what your score is.

Looking around the web, both Betsy Newmark and Ace of Spades are thinking that -gasp- all the election year rhetoric of the Democrats and their minions in the press was all, in fact, expeditious nonsense that they didn’t really mean! I’m shocked, shocked. I need to lie down.

Actions speak louder than words. The Dem words are not matching up to their deeds. That didn’t take long.

The White Horse of Uffington has nothing to do with Huffpo, and it’s also very interesting. But I am redundant.

From the “Maybe they’re all just one guy” Department: Well, we’ve found Jamil Hussein, but now it seems we must track down one Quais Abdul Raazzaq? Curt is saying, “that this Quais Abdul Raazzaq is in fact is also Qais al-Bashir and Lt. Maithem Abdul Razzaq then the AP is in for a s&^t storm they will not believe.”

I can’t keep track of all those names, so I’ll just leave that with you. Also Jules Crittenden is thinking about Eason Jordan.

From the “Numbers, schmumbers” Department:
More civilians died under Hussein’s “peace” than Bush’s war. Yeah, but…but…at least Hussein wasn’t Bush.

Writes Bizzyblog: “And to personalize it, dear reader, unless you’ve gone on record in favor of abandoning the residents of the cities listed above to their own devices at the times they were (or are) extremely dangerous places to be, it would seem that you have no basis for contending that we should do that to the people of Iraq.”

Dude, that’s cold. Don’t rock my world, man; Bush is the biggest terrorist! He’s like Hitler, and stuff. All those numbers are just crazytalk.

From the “You think health care’s expensive now, wait until it’s free” Department: UK is stalling operations because its National Health Service is broke. You didn’t really need that by-pass, that transplant or you know, that cancerous growth removed. And you Americans don’t need to read about this, either. Move on. Nothing to see. Socialized medicine will solve all our problems. EVERYONE will have the same crappy care…except our elites in Washington, who are more special animals deserving of more special care. Their reality will not be the same as yours and mine. But then again, Fitzgerald did say the rich were different from you and me.

From the “Stop it, you’re killing me with your love” Dept: Bureaucrats stop a church kitchen from feeding the hungry because the kitchen wasn’t up to restaurant code. The story ends well…for now…but Dr. Sanity explains why some well-meaning people mean well too much.

From the “Nah, we don’t like all that ‘truth’ stuff, Barney” Department: When NYTimes ombudsman (aka “public editor”) Byron Calame’s contract is up in May, the Times thinks it may just NOT have an ombudsman, anymore. So much easier to put the book review editor online to answer a few questions about his reading preferences, and no one asks any of those uncomfortable questions about whether or not vital security information should be leaked or, you know, an abortion was really infanticide.

From the “So, what are you saying, you think we’re wusses?” Department: Jack Kelly looks at Ethiopia’s successful rout of Islamic militias.

From the “Let the show trials begin” Department: The House Ethics Committee released it’s statement on John Conyers while you were sobering up from the holidays. It seems George W. Bush is not the only arrogant imperialist in Washington. (H/T Wizbang).

From the “Let’s trash the president and GOP before the elections and then call the Dems a “sleeper cell” after they ascend” Department: That about sums up Ann Coulter, doesn’t it? Let’s see…in Coulter’s world, the Dems are horrible. Bush is horrible. Let’s just crown her now, shall we?

From the “My hotel is the one with the neon-looking windows” Department: More nuclear hotel rooms.

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