Shameless Hill Shill on NBC

Shameless Hill Shill on NBC January 2, 2008

Lucianne highlights this video at her home page, and I think it’s a pretty interesting one, for several reasons, first because the woman sitting next to Matt Lauer (I don’t watch the show – who is that?) is all but wearing a “Vote for Hillary” button on her breast – there is a most unseemly gushing going on there that sets off all my antennae and makes me want to buy a pair of waders.

The video is interesting, secondly, because at almost the same time Eric at Classical Values is noting Hillary’s bad numbers with youthful voters (Via Instapundit) the NBC host is carrying on about how “great she is with young people.”

Third – I do marvel when Hillary disingenuously says that she is “from the middle class” and not up from a powerful family. Oookay, we’ll just ignore that part where you have been married to a Governor and President, then, shall we? And we also won’t wonder whether you’d be where you are, today, had you not been the wife of that very powerful fellow?

Finally – and most amusingly – this same host mentions bringing her young son to meet Hillary and declares “he wants to be president” and that Hillary talked with her son about that.

But…but…young kids who declare their wish to become president are untrustworthy schemers, like Obama, aren’t they? Did Hillary tell the kid to keep his pre-adolescent ambitions under his hat, because someday an ruthless, humorless rival might bring it up?

Meanwhile, while NBC gets all warm and fuzzy about about Hillary’s neck pillow (they’d gush about a male candidate’s pillow too, of course) some in the ‘sphere – like Kim at Wizbang – are noting that Hillary’s comments on Pakistan’s upcoming election were incredibly mistaken, and that her mistakes are pretty much getting a pass by her protective media pals, who have little-to-no curiosity about anything of substance, when it comes to Mrs. Clinton.

Ed Morrissey writes:

If Hillary can’t get Pakistan right, then she’s obviously not prepared to get started on Day One. Her entire sales pitch fails on this question, and it reminds us that the three frontrunners among the Democrats have less national-office experience put together than John McCain, less executive experience — as in zero — than Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, and that Mike Huckabee was Governor of Arkansas longer than any of them served in national public office. Even Fred Thompson beats them on that score.

Also, apparently Hillary has been caught in a major embellishment that could be called a lie, except I don’t want to start the new year off like that. Bryan at Hot Air manages to put it all together:

So Hillary Clinton, smartest woman in the world and veteran of flying into the world’s dangerous hot spots alongside comedian Sinbad, got the Pakistani elections entirely, completely and utterly wrong in all respects.
What may be even more telling than how wrong Hillary got Pakistan is the fact that none of her Democrat rivals have called her out on it. She made her remarks in a high profile interview on the last Sunday morning before the Iowa caucus. It’s now Tuesday. Where are the Edwards and Obama camps to criticize her for getting everything on a vital story completely wrong? It’s reasonable to assume that none of the experts in either camp are even aware that Hillary is so disastrously wrong about the hottest foreign policy story of the moment.

He has additional thoughts here.

Superhero Hillary! – she’s a warm and gushy lover of children who was the “go-to-gal for dangerous assignments” in the Clinton White House – she uses a really soft neck support as she travels, and she really loves you and cares about you and that’s what matters, right? It must be…because if stretching the truth to unrecognizable proportions or getting serious foreign policy questions completely wrong mattered…why, the press would be writing headlines about it. Wouldn’t they? As Patterico points out:

After all, when George W. Bush failed a pop quiz in 1999 regarding the names of the leaders of Chechnya, Taiwan, India and Pakistan, the L.A. Times thought it was worth an article. And a follow-up. And another follow-up. And some Page A1 commentary from Ron Brownstein.

Mrs. Clinton gets one pass after another; the press ho-hums along. They remind me a little of Snow White’s dwarves, whistling away while they busily work at broadening her inaugural route.

What I dread most in this political season is the “genuine” moment – and it is coming, soon, sometime between today and tomorrow, or tomorrow and New Hampshire – when Mrs. Clinton, in her ongoing effort to turn herself into whatever the polls says she must be, cries in public. It’s going to be genuinely ghastly.

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