200,000 Condoms & some comments

200,000 Condoms & some comments May 21, 2008

Write a letter, save a life! The easiest task you’ll have all day!

Priorities in order, the UN sends 200,000 condoms to Myanmar, which the government has accepted. Perhaps those poor people can inflate them, tie them together and float out of there on them. (Margaret Cabaniss gives helpful links to Caritas International and Catholic Relief Services.)

Demilitarizing America: it’s the Smart-Obama thing to do. He’s sounding dumber and dumber to me, and I’m sorry but doesn’t he seem almost as marble-mouthed as Bush? He sounds pre-tty shaky to me, several times in that tape. And he doesn’t sound like he understands national security or the economic ramifications of putting engineers, designers, builders and manufacturers out of work, either.

Come on, Barry, don’t fear the Freepers: (Oh…wrong band; I don’t think BOC ever opened with the Soviet National Anthem) Why should his wife Michelle be off limits when Hillary’s husband wasn’t and John McCain’s spouse won’t be? Is it…is it the “whitey” rumor? Come on, that’s not really a big deal, is it? So, Michelle made a remark about “whitey.” Liberals are always badmouthing “whitey!” It’s not a racial thing, it’s an elitist thing! And you know…as Bette Midler said, “screw ’em if they can’t take a joke!”

I mean, It’s not like Michelle flew jets in wartime and dropped bombs on people, which I guess you could argue Bill Clinton, as CIC did, too. Although somehow that didn’t bother the Dems before. I’m sorry, I can’t keep these ever-changing standards straight. In 2002, John McCain was a good guy because he served in Vietnam, and Bush didn’t. In 2004 John Kerry was a good guy because he was drafted and stayed on the ground in Vietnam for 16 weeks. But now, McCain is a bad guy because he volunteered to serve and flew missions before he was imprisoned and tortured for years, and Obama is the good but touchy guy who never served at all. Damn…good war hero, bad war hero…good draft dodger, bad TANG flyboy…I always get them so confused! Why can’t the press and the Democrats settle on one standard – one definition of what constitutes a hero?

It’s kind of like that other ever-moving goalpost
that decides whether we’re winning or not in Iraq. We must be winning, because the US press isn’t talking about it. As I have explained to you several times, all good news is under embargo and it is a simple fact that:

Nothing good will show up in the news until Bushitler is out of office and the Dems are back in. Nothing. Good news has been disallowed. If you want to find good news, you will have to look for it yourself. Bad news, though, is so welcome it even gets made up. Once the left is back in power, however, Iraq will miraculously become a stunning success story, the economy will be “booming“…oh, and the homeless will disappear again – poof!

What Canadians writers like Ezra, Mark, Kate, Kathy and others have left to write about without fear of being silenced for hate crimes: Extra-Terrestrials.

Are Gentlemen a Dying Breed? It’s a question worth asking. My husband and both of my sons are gentlemen. My nephew is, too. None of them call the women who work with them or around them, “Sweetie.” Gentlemen are around. But maybe the fact that they seem to be flying way below radar is what keeps some of us buying Georgette Heyer novels, both for the Gentlemen…and for the courteous ladies who are also so rare in our coarsened society (I include myself in that society; I’m not above calling someone an asshat!)

A Square replacing a Mosque? Oriana Fallaci, the atheist who never equated Christian fundamentalism with Islamic fundamentalism is sadly gone, but not forgotten. She warned us that we’d see 12 year olds trained for beheading, but I don’t think she envisioned this video. Or perhaps she did.

Are you still looking for the recession? J.R. Dunn looks at narratives and memes that are not quite panning out

This is what the GOP is running against: people who want to lose a war, who are keeping alive an environmentalist scam, who (as a byproduct of that scam) have created conditions of serious hunger across the world, and who would not mind seeing a recession in the U.S., no matter how many people it hurts.

…and I’m showing you the economic talk-down. But the stupid GOP will still probably defeat themselves. All I know is the only Republican actually taking on the Democrats (and the press) is George W. Bush. Would have been nice if he’d done that for the past 5 years, but he’s doing it now, and it seems to me the rest of the GOP had better get on the stick.

Finally, in fairness to Ted Kennedy, his breeder named the dog Splash. That’s one myth to put to rest, anyway. So many others floating all around us.

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