Oil Inventories short; prices soar

Oil Inventories short; prices soar June 11, 2008

And people are getting killed

Today Dems rejected
a plan to open US waters to drilling. Yes, it really does seem like the Dems are, as Ace writes here:

“…united on the principle that nothing shall be done to lower the cost of oil.

So far, the US has managed to weather the huge increase in energy prices without slipping into recession. There is a limit, however, to how much such a basic cost of industry and business can rise before the economy reacts violently by reducing output and shedding jobs.

And the Democrats are pushing us right to that point.”

Gateway Pundit says:

Oil Prices Soared Today As Inventories Dropped–
Do you think the Democratic plan of raising taxes on oil companies will help?
How about the Democratic plan to sue OPEC over gas prices?… Do you think that will help increase inventories?

Yeah! Raise taxes! That will make more oil! Sue OPEC! They’ll listen to a court!

How about we just, finally, allow Americans to have access to their own oil and oil shale deposits?

Gateway’s helpful chart on Democrat and GOP energy plans:

Had enough, yet?

Yes, it’s absolutely true: if we started drilling today, it would take years to get the oil refined and into the market…we should have started 30 years ago. Or 20 years ago. Or 10 years ago. But we need to start, sometime, and now seems like the best time left. If we show the world we’re willing to make a move, the speculator’s bubble will likely burst and that will immediately drop prices.

Take a look at this column by Ace,
which includes one of Jonah Goldberg’s circa 2001 pictures taken at ANWR. Yes, 2001. We could have been at work for 7 years, already. More Jonah here.

Victor Davis Hanson tries to explain to the wealthier and more elite among us why drilling really does matter.

Rachel Lucas gets gas.

Once again: McCain, put Sarah Palin on your ticket!

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