Gov. Palin on ABC w/ Gibson

Gov. Palin on ABC w/ Gibson September 11, 2008

Was out and only saw part of one segment, and my initial thought was “who the hell shot this thing with the weird angles?” Second thought was “who edited this thing, the high school AV club?”

Near as I can tell, Gibson did not have to correct her on her own religion, and she did not spatter the place with “uh, uh, uh’s”. But the segment I saw, an early one, Palin did not look too relaxed.

Now that I have watched: Yuval Levin: says Palin did not shine on the Bush Doctrine, and that seems to be where the Dems are focusing their radars. Allah agrees. Andy McCarthy disagrees and says no one seems to have a clear read on what The Bush Doctrine is. I must say Gibson seemed kind of vague, too.

My impression is that Palin, like one of my relatives, is very specific when she speaks, and that she listens closely when others speak, and therefore she might have been better off, when she asked Gibson, “which aspect of the Bush Doctrine do you mean,” in taking it further – “did you mean the policy of pre-emption or the policy that any nation which knowingly harbors terrorists will be treated as such…” or something along that line. She does not yet know how to control the interview in such a way (or, they edited out anything beyond “which aspect, etc”). I don’t think this woman “does not know” what the Bush Doctrine is; that was not the impression I got, anyway.

Also, I must say when Palin replied that she was “ready to lead” and Gibson responded with ”doesn’t that take hubris” I was completely offended. Anyone who is running for these offices had DAMN WELL feel confident that they are “ready to lead” from day one. Furthermore, has Biden even been asked if he feels ready to lead? Because I’m getting the impression, lately, that he does not. And does Gibson find Obama’s saying he is “ready to lead” too hubristic, since he has never held any sort of executive position? That one pissed me off, and it raised my feminist hackles, too. It was a man giving a woman crap for declaring that she was capable. I wonder if Gibson (or anyone) will ask Obama exactly how he is more “ready to lead” or more “qualified” than Palin.

Or, here’s one: will Gibson or any other journalist ask Obama what’s the story about his transcripts from Columbia University? Now that’d be interesting!

A quick look-around seems
to say that “she was not at her best” (I am not sure what “her best” is supposed to be, since this is her first nation-wide interview) and that Gibson was condescending to her, and that over all “she held her own, no glaring errors.” I’m sure they will be found and shrieked from the highest mountains as soon as the talking points are put out. Also, she seems not to have any fluidity problems or verbal ticks.

Treacher envisions tomorrow.

STACLU has two videos. They don’t like Gibson’s manner much, and find Palin “strong on the Bush doctrine.”

Please bear with me, having problems with my internet connection tonight.

Michelle Malkin says ABC blew it and shows why.

K-Lo says neither at their best, and wonders if Gibson ever had to chastise Obama for a “blur of words.” I’m betting not. One of her emailers mentioned, though, that Palin didn’t say anything was “above her paygrade.”

The guys at The Corner are debunking some early hysteria from the left.

Althouse’s commenters are an interesting crew with interesting takes. Many of them are wondering if Obama has ever had to sit through such lugubrious, grim and humorlessly offered interview questions. Someone wants to find a tape of Gibson interviewing Obama and compare them.

Tom Maguire writes “our next Vice President knows her Lincoln and knows who is on whose side in wartime.” But he’s pulling from the early transcripts and the partial quote that Allah said was corrected later.

Allah, who was suspecting hanky panky by ABC concerning a prayer by Palin, seems satisfied.

Ace has an open thread.

Gateway Pundit says
: Hatchet job. The editing was atrocious, too.

Betsy Newmark gives the interview a thorough going-over

In other news:

I think this would be suicide for the Dems: October surprise: switch Hillary for Biden. No, I don’t think the electorate will appreciate being played like that, and I doubt Mrs. Clinton would want to be seen as “so desperate” to be the first woman Veep that she’d create a situation putting the top spot out of reach for 8 more years. Although, the Clintons MIGHT like demonstrating their power…or they might not want to risk losing and demonstrating something else, altogether. I think this is someone’s pipe dream.

Oh. Ohio is super in play.

Leftwing smears being swallowed by the likes of Matt Damon and MoDo, because – like Fox Muldar – they want to believe!

Ace has more on that.

That’ll do it for me tonight – have payin’ work to see to. “Night!

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