Final Debate Reactions

Final Debate Reactions October 15, 2008

OOPS! I thought I’d published this earlier – turns out I’d only saved it!

How many of you were waiting for McCain to say the C-word re those tee shirts?

I did think McCain was stronger and more combative than last debate, but he clearly does not want to be a political pugilist. Was glad he mentioned vouchers, but I do believe I had predicted that he could not discuss Ayers except on Obama’s turf, thus neutralizing the issue. That’s what happened.

Should have talked more ACORN, too. McCain let him “handle” that too tidily. Now Obama can say, “I addressed that fully in the debate…”

I was put-off to hear Obama use the “someone called out ‘kill him’ about me,” nonsense, which has been pretty thoroughly debunked even by the Secret Service, but all Obama needed to do was say it, not prove it and as Ace says, the lie goes around the world before the truth get its yadda yadda.

Who Won the Final Debate?
It was a Draw
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Reactions below – most recent first:

Ed Morrissey: rate the moderator?

I’m tired; we’ll pick this up in the morning!

Slightly O/T but UN.REAL. Major League Baseball is delaying a World Series Game for Obama’s big “I control the airwaves” commercial. No wonder he has such a huge ego – even the World Series can’t contain his majesty! As a baseball fan, I’m outraged. There’s no crying in baseball and there shouldn’t be any damn delays for political commercials, either! So, you know…I’m just not watching TV that night. I protest. The whole set goes off. To paraphrase the great Bette Davis: “I’d love to watcha, but I just washed my hair!”

Michelle Malkin: McCain did better than respectable and probably the best that may be expected.

Politico: Quick poll results; Obama wins but McCain wins with indys by 9 pts

Karl Rove: Obama hasn’t closed the sale. I agree with that.

Brutally Honest: Obama gets the win

Hugh Hewitt: comprehensive side-by-side

Jennifer Rubin says McCain needed a gamechanger and did not get it. He needed to pound home ACORN and connect Obama, and didn’t do it.

Althouse: The young man is probably our next president. This time three years ago, they said that about Kerry.

Glenn Reynolds said way better than the Brokaw debate (it could hardly be worse). He was put off by Obama’s smirks, I was too, but in the end I call it a draw.

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