No, not me. I haven’t the stamina to watch-and-blog because I get too anal about trying to get “everything.” Not worth making myself nuts over. While you’re waiting though, take a look at what the Ohio Secretary of State thinks is Democracy in Action, and get a load of Gay Patriot’s state-by-state electoral fraud post. It ain’t pretty.
I see the press already has their talking points from Lord Obama.
If you’re looking for liveblogging, it’s usually fun times for that over at Althouse’s place or at Ace’s – I might pop by over there, if for no other reason, to find out what the hell this is about?
Michelle Malkin has all your drinking game words. If I were a drinker, tonight might be the night I’d indulge.
Stop the ACLU is liveblogging/livestreaming the thing.
Hot Air has an open thread