Must reads from the Insomniac

Must reads from the Insomniac January 22, 2009

I’m composing this in the wee small hours, in hopes that eventually sleep will kick in and this will go up as scheduled – here is a linkaround of my insomniac reading:

Victor Davis Hanson has an uneasy feeling. And more cowbell won’t fix it.

Obama vows to clean up American politics. From a Chicago pol, that’s interesting. Barney Frank is still in charge of the banking committee, right?

Tuskegee Airmen: A moving piece about one who attended the Inaugural

Worries about bio terror? This story – surprise, surprise – did not get any play in the US, except via Murdoch, but overseas news shops are talking about Al Qaeda’s attempts to get bio weapons.

When will we drill our own oil reserves and stop being held hostage by unfriendly regimes for our energy needs? I figure…not very soon.

Dutch Free Speech Issue: Troubling. You don’t fix a situation by making it “unmentionable.”

This headline is a masterpiece of the obvious: Political Interference Seen in Bank Bailout Decisions. Really? Do you think?

Speaking of our Economic Woes: I’m currently reading Terry Pratchett’s Making Money. It’s typically brilliant, witty and thought-provoking, as all of his books are, (and they’re often spot-on for our times, as well). What I like about it is the debate about the gold standard. I wouldn’t want to spoil it for anyone, but Ankh-Morpork’s monetary system is in the toilet and needs an overhaul. Like I said, Pratchett’s stuff can seem very timely. You should read Making Money. We can all laugh and weep together!

Also, perhaps all of us, including our new president and the congress, should read Amity Shales’ The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression. It seems to me we should take a serious look at the history before we repeat any of it. As Valentine’s presents go, it doesn’t seem like a romantic gift, but I bet my husband will appreciate it.

Feel like praying?

The Mystic Monk Two Handled Coffee Mug. Yes, I have one. Yes, I love it. It’s a nice big cup of java, and while it’s silly-looking, using both hands to drink the coffee really does have a contemplative edge to it. When you’re drinking coffee with both hands, you’re not working, writing, typing, picking up laundry or whatever…you’re allowing yourself to experience a moment. And a bit of quiet, which in itself is something to be grateful for! We don’t let ourselves have enough of that. So, to the curious, yes, I think the thing actually is worth owning. I’ve grown very fond of mine.

One Cosmos: Ugly Fantasies and Beautiful Truth. Part II, actually of this.

A fairer verdict: On Bush. I think he’s optimistic. There is a narrative, and it’s going to be followed to the end. Or, maybe I’m a cynic.

Joe Biden; That’s okay, he’ll make Bush look downright glib, soon enough.

NASA says the oceans are cooling. Yeah. BRRRRRRRR. Solar flares go down, earth freezes up. I’m wearing a nightcap, lately!

Karl Rove: It’s nice that he’s loyal, but for now all he can do is preach to the choir. The haters don’t want to hear it, and won’t be convinced. Not for decades, if ever. But it’s good that Rove tries. WSJ on Obama and Gitmo.

Richard Fernandez on conventional wisdom and perceptions

Authors with their own Stores? Well, why not – they probably make a nice penny off the merchandising and at least the directory is helpful

Can you believe?: The AP actually polled Michelle Obama’s dress. But they’re not obsessed. They’re totally in control of themselves and can be trusted to report openly, honestly and to hold the president’s feet to the fire. Right. Widgets

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