Obama, Coal & looming disaster

Obama, Coal & looming disaster November 3, 2008

How does this lady think Obama is going to pay for her gasoline and her mortgage, and whatever else, when he is planning to bankrupt industries and make energy costs “skyrocket,” thus burdening business and consumers, raising unemployment and – necessarily – lowering tax revenues?

No, we can’t talk enough about how destructive Barack Obama’s energy plans will be for the country.

Neo-neocon looks at Obama’s lump of coal and sounds an alarm:

Another blast from the Obama past has been dropped, a bombshell interview from last January with the San Francisco Chronicle in which Obama said that the environmental policies he proposes would cause builders of new coal plants to go bankrupt. And he didn’t sound the least bit sad about the prospect.

After having read the entire quote (as I suggest you do, immediately), I think it’s easy to see what Obama was saying…
Obama’s position is that it would be fine and good if the coal or nuclear industries were to somehow manage to magically come up with solutions to these knotty problems immediately. But if it takes time, then that’s just too bad—the industries will suffer and so will the consumer…

It’s longish but important, so you’ll want to read it all.

Jules Crittenden
has more on coal-industry bankruptcy, while Michelle Malkin looks at what Obama has blocked in Colorado.

Ed Morrissey says Obama/Biden looks a little hostile on this issue

Mark Steyn has some fun at the San Fran Chron’s expense, but has a serious point to make.

Only slightly o/t, but I didn’t realize it
– today is the 29th Anniversary of the Iran Hostage Crisis, brought to you courtesy of radical Islamists who took an accurate read on President James Earl Carter, a fella who also – like Obama – thought being nice to despots what the better way. More on that, here.

Seems kind of odd, doesn’t it? The anniversary of a hostage-taking that went on for over 400 days and involved torture and mistreatment and a president who did nothing, falling on the eve of an election between one man who has been a tortured prisoner and another who would probably handle things as Carter had. Who says God doesn’t like irony?

Meanwhile, Joe Biden seems to be more than a little off his meds. Now there’s a guy who makes me feel like he can handle whatever comes at him.

And finally, a question that should have been asked a few months ago, not today, Has Foreign Money Bolstered Obama?.

Related: No Coal, No Questions in Obamaland

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