Ignorant. Foul. Adolescent. Idiotic. Offensive. Ugly.

Ignorant. Foul. Adolescent. Idiotic. Offensive. Ugly. March 3, 2005

So – Matt Taibbi thinks he’s found fifty ways the pope’s impending death/death is funny.

I won’t link to it – it’s such a waste of time.

For my delicate readers, please skip this post, because not only am I going to quote this tawdry, pathetic asshole, but I’m going to use the word asshole, too.

I guess I’m just not sophisticated enough to enjoy this dweeb’s “humor.” A few samples of what passes for sophisticated “wit” from this member of the “tolerant left.”

49.After beating for the last time, Pope’s heart sits there like a piece of hamburger.

47.Upon death, Pope’s face frozen in sickening smile, eyes wide open and teeth exposed, like a baboon.

46.Beetles eating Pope’s dead brains.

44.Gurgling sound during embalming process; real fluids in dead Pope’s body sucked out into jars.

23.Doctors examining the body discover that the Pope was not only a woman, but also Hitler.

17.In his last days, the Pope was in tremendous pain.

That’s enough. It just goes on and on like that. It’s just that disgusting, that irreverent and ultimately, that LAME.

The pope is a great man who can take a little ribbing. But this is not ribbing. This is just mindless hate.

Taibbi serves something exceedingly ugly and destructive. Anyone who supports this serves the same.

I pray the Holy Spirit gives him a good spiritual beating and saves his soul.

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