Those Poor, Poor Palestinians

Those Poor, Poor Palestinians January 12, 2009

Question: Why would a terrorist use civilian areas to launch missles into Israel?

Answer: Um…because it’s crowded in Gaza?

WRONG. It’s so when the inevitable civilian casualties happen during the inevitable Israeli counterstrike, they can take pictures of dead children and put them on the internet. It’s called marketing. Westerners are suckers for marketing because it saves most of us from having to learn about stuff that is hard or complicated.

There are websites full of pictures of what those mean Jews in Israel are doing to peace-loving Palestinians. But wait! Is it fact, good marketing, lazy media, or just ol’ fashioned Western anti-Semitism? Consider:

“In Paris, the state-owned TV network France-2 broadcasts film of dozens of dead Palestinians killed in an Israeli air raid on New Year’s Day. The channel subsequently admits that, in fact, the footage is not from Jan. 1, 2009, but from 2005, and, while the corpses are certainly Palestinian, they were killed when a truck loaded with Hamas explosives detonated prematurely while leaving the Jabaliya refugee camp in another of those unfortunate work-related accidents to which Gaza is sadly prone. Conceding that the Palestinians supposedly killed by Israel were, alas, killed by Hamas, France-2 says the footage was broadcast “accidentally.”

There are also five year old photos floating around the internet of Israeli soldiers posing with the dead. Dispicable, I will not deny. I think it speaks volumes about how little regard many in the West have for Israel that five year old photos can be passed around and people will, with little consideration, believe that they are current. People who will immediately (and falsely) think the worst of Israel can, in the same breath, excuse Palestinians for putting the innocent in harms way.

There are even pictures that look like mean Israeli soldiers are pointing guns at children. Children! I couldn’t image why an Israeli soldier would possibly do such a thing.

This was posted by Steve, not CC.

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