criminalizing having morals…

criminalizing having morals… May 14, 2009

… The Colombian government has announced that it will fine a Catholic hospital for refusing to perform an abortion, according to local news reports.

The Saint Ignatius University Hospital, a Jesuit institution, was asked for an abortion in 2008 by a woman whose unborn child suffered from non-lethal defects, including hydrocephaly. They refused on grounds of “collective conscience.”

The woman, Yolima Bernal, ultimately received a late-term abortion in another hospital. After an investigation of the case launched last year, Colombia’s health ministry has announced a fine equivalent to approximately $5,160.

Monica Roa, a pro-abortion attorney who works with the UN-funded Women’s Link Worldwide (WLW), praised the decision, stating that “it feels like a precedent for the country and makes it clear that conscientious objection in an institution is not permitted.” [source]

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