it’s no secret I love Catholic Kitcsh…

it’s no secret I love Catholic Kitcsh… May 14, 2009

… but some things are just to tacky for words. [source]

This sculpture for example… commissioned by Fr. David Buckley at St. Philip Neri Catholic church in Uckfield. He claims it has been well received by his parish. To that I say his congregation must be starved for sacred Church art or worse yet, lack a true understanding of the very fundamental nature of Christ.

Fr. Buckley, commenting about the sculpture says; “We felt this design summed up the spirit and activity of Christ perfectly and I think it speaks for itself… The sculpture is simple and direct and I hope it sums up the feeling that Christ is always with us and that we are not to be afraid. His clothing is being blown vigorously to add the sense of him being alive and his strength in defying earthly cares. The clothing is loosely contemporary in order to connect Christ to his people now as much as to his past.”

I don’t know….

I still think this piece does more to sum the “spirit and activity” of Christ which is His selfless love for us. In His Crucifixion we experience visually the “aliveness” of Our Lord and His Human Nature… only those who are alive can die.

All that tripe excuse for “art” Fr. Buckley’s sculpture inspires in his congregation is an erroneous reinforcement that Christ is our buddy and should be brought down to our level instead of exalted on His.

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