the intolerance of the “tolerant” left…

the intolerance of the “tolerant” left… February 2, 2012

Last night the website for the Susan G Komen Foundation was hacked by leftist Planned Parenthood supporters.

PS- I predicted PP was going to use this “blow” to their financial advantage and begin raking in the pity contributions. Well, I was right. Mayor Bloomberg is quoted as saying “Politics have no place in health care”. I am sure the irony is utterly lost on him.

All together every one … abortion is not health care.

I’m also sure Cecile Richards is all but piddling herself with glee at the venom and bile she’s caused to be directed to Susan G Komen. PP is the one, after all, that intentionally leaked the story to the Associated Press to incite public outcry and fuel a fund drive.

It’s all about the money. That’s all it’s ever been about.

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