Those Dutch knew how to throw a party…

Those Dutch knew how to throw a party… February 21, 2012

… Merrymakers at Shrovetide or “Vastenavond” by Frans Hals c. 1616-17

Don’t you love the crass revelry depicted here – the crude finger gestures and is that dude in the back giving me the two finger salute or just throwing a gang sign?

Two of the figures are recognizable as stock characters from comic theater, “Peeckelhaering” (Pickled Herring), with the garland of eggs and sausages, and Hans Wurst with sausages on his cap. If you are familar with Hals you may also recognize the Wurst fellow as the same gentleman from “Married Couple in the Garden“. He is believed to be the painter Dirck Hals, Frans elder brother.

The bawdiness of it all reminds me of the Flemish painter Adriaen Brouwer, a pupil of Frans Hal.

They are O.G.’s from Haarlem after all.

Happy Fat Tuesday y’all.

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