Chicken Gate – An Exercise in Media Induced Hysteria and Fascism…

Chicken Gate – An Exercise in Media Induced Hysteria and Fascism… July 26, 2012

… I’m eating a Chick-Fil-A sandwich as I type. I guess that means I hate the gays, or deserve to get cancer or something.

I… I… don’t even know what to say about this media induced fecal cyclone that is Chicken Gate. It’s so absurd it’s laughable. You got the mayor of Boston involved, and then… get this…Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says Chick-fil-A has no place in the city of Chicago. Considering the homicide rate in Chicago is statistically worse than Kabul Mr. Emmanuel has much bigger problems.

The funniest part; the president of Chick-Fil-A, Dan Cathy, never even said he hates homosexuals. All he did was confirm that he supports traditional marriage and that he models his business ethic on Christian principals. But somehow, in the liberal mind, having a difference of opinions equals hate.

Fascist, all of them.

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