March of Dimes Turns Blind Eye To Link Between Abortion and Premature Births…

March of Dimes Turns Blind Eye To Link Between Abortion and Premature Births… November 22, 2013

… Every November, the March of Dimes launches it’s Prematurity Campaign to raise awareness for the growing rate of premature births. Similar to Susan G. Komen’s breast cancer awareness month, both organizations refuse to acknowledge the link between abortion and the medical conditions they hope to eradicate.


In the case of Susan G. Komen, they flat out deny there exists a link between breast cancer and abortion. March of Dimes just pretends abortion doesn’t exist at all when they list possible causes of prematurity on their website and conduct their research. Abortion? What’s that got to do with anything?

In April of 2012, Dr. Byron Calhoun, M.D wrote; Abortion and Preterm Birth: Why Medical Journals Aren’t Giving Us The Real Picture. His purpose…

“…to shed light on the cause of preterm birth by examining a disconcerting phenomenon, that is, that many medical papers appearing in peer reviewed journals have failed to mention their most important results: the link between preterm births and abortion. This briefing paper demonstrates how such an important medical fact is being underreported, giving examples from the abundant literature showing how abortion increases the risk of preterm birth, most notably, an important 2011 Chinese study (by Liao et al). Selective reporting of results in medical journals reflects the tendency of the medical community to disregard data showing an increased risk of preterm birth after an abortion. Yet such conclusions can be drawn not only from the Liao et al, 2011 paper but from 127 other published studies demonstrating a statistically significant risk of preterm birth after an abortion (see Appendix A)”

He then goes on to punctuate the link between abortion and premature birth, study after damning study, dating all the way back to the sixties. That’s over fifty years of research pro-abortion advocates, Planned Parenthood, and yes, even the March of Dimes, have turned blind eyes to.

But I don’t understand. The March of Dimes wants to help preterm babies, right? It would seem to me the best way to do that is with research and education. The knowledge that a sizable percentage of premature births are completely preventable seems like quite an important thing to put out there. An amazing revelation to share with the world, no?

According to the March of Dimes… no.

But why? What could the March of Dimes possible have to gain from denying the abortion link and not telling the public, a past abortion dramatically increases a woman’s risk of delivering a preterm baby. And by “dramatically”, I mean

David Reardon, the director of the Elliot Institute, says at least 50 published studies have shown significantly higher risk of premature birth and low birth weight deliveries among women with a history of abortion. One of the best, a Danish record based study, found the risk doubled after just one abortion. Multiple abortions increase the risk even more. Reardon says a doubling of risk among an estimated one-fourth of delivering women who have a prior history of abortion would result in a 25 percent rise overall.

The answer. Money. It’s always money.

“The March of Dimes, the American Cancer Society, and the Spina Bifida Association were listed in Planned Parenthood’s recent white paper, Taking Control, as being among “a wide range of health care groups” that joined the abortion giant…”

And so the March of Dimes profits.

It profits from the increase in the premature birth rates, directly related to the higher number of abortions being performed, while it continues to seek funding from the government, medical community, and donations from it’s supporters. In turn, some of that money is sent to Planned Parenthood, which provides and promotes abortions, which causes an increase in low birth weight and prematurity in infants…. it’s a never ending cycle of profit where children become the commodity.

If the MOD’s goal is to limit birth defects associated with prematurity, then they would be vocal opponents of abortion. They wouldn’t ignore abortion as a non-issue and they certainly would not have any associations with Planned Parenthood. That’s why I find their awareness campaigns and efforts utterly insincere.

Abortion increases a woman’s risk of having future pregnancies result in premature birth. The March of Dimes has a responsibility they are not meeting by ignoring this information. By not plastering this on every one of their billboards, in every advert, and highlighted at every single fundraiser, I personally hold March of Dimes responsible for being part of the problem.

I lost a son in 2001. He was born just a few days shy of six months gestation. After a week in the NICU, he surrendered his fight. I carry that child in my heart every day. I also carry the weight that his death was 100% avoidable. Like many doctors who continue to believe and advise their patients that abortion is a harmless procedure, my OB/GYN dismissed my concerns over my previous abortions.

It wasn’t till I became pregnant with my second son, that another doctor finally was brave enough to state the truth. My past two abortions had severely damaged and weakened my cervix. The medical term is incompetent cervix. With the proper diagnosis I was able to have a cervical cerclage and carry my second son to term. The link between abortion and incompetent cervix is not a new discovery. Anytime you forcefully dilate the cervix, you weaken the muscles. In fact, researching the causes of incompetent cervix, you’ll see these same words over and over again…

“…Caused by previous trauma to the cervix, such as a D&C (dilation and curettage) from an abortion or a miscarriage.”

How any reasonable person can ignore the obvious — abortion causes premature birth — is mind blowing. It’s unconscionable, unfathomably irresponsible, and completely unethical for organizations, like the March of Dimes, to request financial support for a medical condition they can help vastly reduce but intentionally choose not to, by refusing to acknowledge and educate women against the harms of abortion.

If you have had an abortion in the past and are, or thinking about, becoming pregnant, find an OB/GYN still worth his Hippocratic Oath. Express your concerns and request to be monitored and measured every month to be on the look out for cervical thinning.

And finally, don’t waste a single thought or cent on the March of Dimes. The day they sever their ties with Planned Parenthood and begin educating women about the link between premature birth and abortion is the day I’ll open my wallet to them.

March of Dimes Exposé, Exposing the Hidden Link
Why I Don’t Support the March of Dimes
Life Issues Institute’s – March of Dimes Ignores Abortion-Premature Birth Link

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