Not the results I hoped for…

Not the results I hoped for… May 11, 2015

… Week 4 Diet Update.

I am happy to report that I am in a phenomenally shitty mood after weighing myself for the first time in a month. Not only have I not lost any weight, some how I managed to gain another pound. It’s like my ass is a fat magnet.

Current weight : 286 lbs

Current mood : Murderous

Projected outcome : high probability of stabbings

I'm feeling stabby now though

Things I’ve Learned

– just making healthier dietary changes is not going to be effective unless I exercise regularly
– I don’t miss soda and real food actually tastes good


These weight loss stories from 2014

(Because if they can do it so can I, right?)


– I am sleeping better
– I have more energy and no longer get 3pm burn out
– drinking all this water has really done wonders for my complexion. My skin hasn’t looked this good since I was in my early twenties.
– and even though the scales says I’m fatter, for some reason I feel smaller (it could just be psychological)
– my pants fit looser in the thighs

General Thoughts

I’m not going to lie. I was really hoping for at least a 4-5 weight loss. Everyone kept saying that when you’re as fat me that first month the weight practically melts off. Granted you’re usually too fat for it to make a visible difference, but I was completely unprepared to see the scale go up. It felt like a devastating punch in my ever expanding gut.

However, typing out my NSV made me feel a whole lot better. At least some accomplishments came from all my conscientious eating. So there’s that.

And I am doing something, which is 100% better than doing absolutely nothing. For the first time in a very long time I feel determined and in control.

I know what I have to do this coming month. I have to get over my aversion of working out. Making dietary changes alone is not going to make as big an impact as I had originally hoped.

This past month my physical activity was just walking. I’d walk for 30 minutes every other day or so, depending on my mood. I hadn’t made a commitment to myself to exercise regularly. That has to change.

Admittedly I’m unsure where to start so if you could make some baby step recommendations for regular exercise I sure would really appreciate it.

Onward month two.

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