I love Jesus but hate religion, I’m spiritual but not religious…

I love Jesus but hate religion, I’m spiritual but not religious… January 12, 2012

… I’m a tomato but not a beefsteak. Blah.blah.blah. By now I am sure many of you have seen that video making the rounds on Google+, Facebook and anywhere else online where the easily swayed can be charmed by stylized cliches and the internet meet.

If you’ve seen the video posted on a friend’s Facebook page instead of getting into a long discourse about everything that is theologically and fundamentally wrong wrong wrong about this video, you can just link to the Bad Catholic’s shakedown of this shallow bit of inanity. Marc has done all the work for you.

Because vapid cliched inanity disguised as original and intelligent thought makes Baby Jesus Cry and my ears bleed.

I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you over your own hubris.

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