Faith-based custom stamps ‘unsuitable for all ages and audiences’

Faith-based custom stamps ‘unsuitable for all ages and audiences’ August 26, 2020

A Christian fanatic representing an American ‘religious liberty’ outfit alleged that the US Postal Service discriminated against faith-heads by classifying religiously-themed, custom-designed stamps as ‘unsuitable for all-ages and audiences’ – effectively equating such designs with ‘violent or sexually explicit images.’

Image via YouTube

Kelly Shackelford, above, Chief Counsel for First Liberty Institute, this week lashed out at USPS for ending its PhotoStamps service in an apparent reaction to a lawsuit launched by FLI on behalf of Susan Fletcher, a Texas graphic designed who last year wanted to use the custom programme to create stamps that would allow her to share her faith with the world at large.

This is what she had in mind:

Fletcher said at the time:

I just want to express my faith in everything I do, at Christmas and all throughout the year. I am truly saddened that the country I love would keep me from expressing the most important message I could share with others: my faith.

In the wake of the lawsuit, according to this report, the USPS decided to kill its  customized stamp programme.

Thundered Shackelford:

This is hypocrisy at its worst. It is outrageous that the US Postal Service would end a steady source of revenue that raised millions of dollars just because someone might choose a religious image on a stamp.

Shackelford said the Postal Service, which is running at a huge loss:

Has the nerve to demand a taxpayer bailout, rather than celebrate the principles of free, diverse speech and the free market.

Jeremy Dys, special counsel for litigation for First Liberty, said:

It’s puzzling that the US Postal Service would end a revenue-generating program because someone might choose a religious image on a stamp and then demand that Congress reward that decision with a taxpayer bailout.

Rather than celebrate the principles of free, diverse speech, the US Postal Service has decided to silence all speech but their own. Americans now have fewer options and the USPS will lose more money because of this decision.

Meanwhile, in Australia Catholics are kicking off over the image below shared on Twitter by a Brisbane archbishop.

Image via Twitter

He tweeted:

Notre Dame de COVID…prie pour nous. Our Lady of COVID … pray for us.

All hell then broke loose. Catholic Twitter users were horrified at the sight of what they considered to be a “sacrilegious” depiction of Our Lady and the infant Jesus.

One complained:

Masking Their Holy Images is desecration. Reparation to Our Blessed Lord and His Holy Mother for this blasphemy in order to push a political agenda for the anti-God New World Order.

Another spitting mad user said:

The spittle of Christ literally healed the blind. To act as if it were toxic is blasphemous. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us!

A third, Fr Frederick Gruber, declared:

The Eternal Queen of Heaven spreads no virus. Mary is Health of the Sick. Her smile brings healing. It should not be covered. The Eternal Queen of Heaven is susceptible to no virus. The victory of the Risen Christ over death is manifest in her. You obscure this truth.

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