January 26, 2013

by Randy Walker Arrogance is a two-edged sword. While it can make people feel superior and confident when stating their beliefs or points in an argument, the people receiving the message are often offended by the arrogance and feelings of superiority emanating from the messenger. In other words, the message may be valid, insightful, and credible, but these qualities are tainted and spoiled by the arrogant way it is delivered. There are a sundry of contexts where this happens, but... Read more

January 25, 2013

Image from Wiertz Sébastien on Flickr   by Timothy W. Hooker I’m probably not going to say everything in this essay just right. But, a realization is slowly dawning on me and I think it’s worth sharing. A quiet little revolution has been going on in my life. I stumbled across a podcast called “5 Minute Dharma,” by Jay N. Forrest. From what I’ve gathered, Mr. Forrest used to be a Christian minister and has since then become a Buddhist... Read more

January 21, 2013

How My Views of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Evolved Over Timeby Randy Walker Dr. King’s name evokes images of a leader who became a martyr for his cause. He stood against social and racial injustice during the tumultuous sixties of the twentieth century when such words and actions provoked violent retaliation from narrow, bigoted people who feared change. The fact that he insisted that protests be conducted using non-violent social disobedience seems ironic in light of his... Read more

January 21, 2013

by Zachary Bailes On March, 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated.  Today, President Obama uses that same Bible to begin his second term. However, during Lincoln’s inaugural speech he stated, “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies.” Lincoln uttered these words to a struggling, soon to be divided, United States. We hear these words 152 years later knowing that they are all too familiar. While we may not be on the brink of another physical separation, our collective identity... Read more

January 18, 2013

“The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice,” proclaimed the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It may bend towards justice, but it does not bend gently. It bends behind sweat of the brow, creativity of the mind, and love from the soul of those who believe that every living soul not only desires justice and equality, but has a right to it. You see, justice is not a passive pursuit. The moral arc will... Read more

December 26, 2012

    by Randy Walker The senseless massacre that took place in a Connecticut elementary school is a tragic travesty of human behavior. There is little need to try and explain it because it was the act of an illogical, rage-filled human being. Trying to make it fit into a template of rational thought is futile. What is even more futile and absurd are some of the Facebook posts I have seen claiming that because prayer is not allowed in... Read more

November 27, 2012

by Randy Walker “You don’t need religion to have morals. If you can’t determine right from wrong, then you lack empathy, not religion.”  If you are still reading, I want to offer my perspective on what this quote implies. I feel suited for this infamous task because, while I consider myself spiritual in a broad sense, I am agnostic when it comes to religion and its associated dogma. First, let’s define the key terms: religion, morals, and empathy. ” Webster’s... Read more

November 15, 2012

by Randy Walker Life may be a journey, but it also feels very much like a steep climb at times. Sometimes we fall down, get up, brush ourselves off and continue our climb. There are times when we consider our chosen paths, its obstacles, and the difficulty of the climb. We may look for easier paths, or we might look for ways around obstacles even if it means backtracking around them. Other people can make suggestions or even help us... Read more

October 10, 2012

Photo used under Creative Commons from BuzzFarmers.   Proper 23B/Pentecost 20 Mark 10:17-31 by David Henson I am the rich young ruler. And so are you. In the context of our world, we are all rich young rulers. If you make a mere $34,000 a year, you are part of the elite economic class, the wealthiest of the wealthy, the top 1 percent of humanity’s 7 billion people. In this light, there a few passages in the Scriptures more troubling... Read more

October 5, 2012

by Randy Walker I am an agnostic who was born and raised in a very strict Christian fundamentalist environment. God was portrayed as a demanding enforcer who lashes-out and destroys if His demands are not met. People were viewed as evil beings that should not breathe God’s air unless he gives them the right to do so. Ever heard the expression, “not fit to tote guts to a bear”? I did, as a child when it was orated from the... Read more

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