August 8, 2014

The Middle Class is dying. So what? This question opens A.O. Scott’s fascinating response to Thomas Piketty’s bestseller, Capital in the 21st Century. “The book’s thesis,”Scott explains, is “that economic inequality in the developed world is increasing, with potentially dire consequences for social justice and democratic governance.” According to Piketty, the Western dream of an economically egalitarian world is naïve and, ultimately, untenable. His diagnosis hits the Democratic Idealist––for whom “the expansion of the middle class…unfolded according to something like... Read more

August 8, 2014

How would Jesus build a platform for his message? I guess you could do it any way you want when, well, you know, you’re God. What I find fascinating it that he did it by doing some of the verythings Seth Godin speaks of in this video. He was different, and remarkable. It doesn’t take much to figure out that Jesus was different than the religious leaders of his day. As they walked around in their decorated robes, enjoying the luxuries... Read more

August 7, 2014

Gone are the days when a company can take its time responding to an issue, getting all the experts to weigh in, verifying the situation, and then contemplating and coordinating a proper response. Now you have hours at best. You have to know enough to be able to move -- and move now. Read more

July 28, 2014

It was just a joke, guy banter in the break room. It was funny and very inappropriate. My conscience burned that night. I shouldn't have laughed. Why did I laugh? It wasn't the first time I acted in ways contrary to my Christian faith. Why are people able to influence me so easily? Read more

July 25, 2014

[Another great article by The High Calling summer intern, Nathan Roberts.] “The Bible’s a mess,” declares a headline on The Verge. How does that phrase make you feel? If you’re a person of faith, it might make you livid. If not, you might think: finally, someone gets it! However, a quick read through the article shows that it’s not referring to “The Bible” as an abstract text, but as a variety of physical, reproducible volumes. Adam Lewis Green, a Santa... Read more

July 22, 2014

Last week, when I was talking about balancing honesty and humility in business communication, Stephen Elop had already sent the worst layoff announcement in the history of Microsoft. His email was so bad, it invites us to imagine Elop fiddling while Microsoft burns. In case you missed the story, the Executive Vice President sent a sprawling 13 paragraph, 1110 word email to announce the layoffs of 12,500 employees in his division. The email began with a generic and absurd “Hello there,”... Read more

July 22, 2014

A few months ago, I was asked to lead The High Calling through an incredibly painful change. All of our editorial systems would need to change. All of our editors would need to approach their work differently. Even worse, the change was uncertain. I didn’t know if it would work. I didn’t even know if it was a really good idea or not. But the task was clear. Change your editorial processes, change your editorial production, and then we will... Read more

July 21, 2014

It’s nice to make money, isn't it? Now don't give me that look. A healthy desire to make money does not necessarily imply greed, or obsession, or that one is dedicating one’s life to serving the dreaded Mammon. All I'm saying is, as a practical matter, having money sure does come in handy. In fact, it is pretty much a requirement these days for getting around in our 21stcentury Western culture. Read more

July 17, 2014

What if technology could help you feel closer to God? Only July 15, Dr. Cynthia Breazeal and her team announced JIBO on Indiegogo. It is an impressive social robot that is priced to replace your tablet at home. After watching the video yesterday, my son said, "It's hard to believe something like that will be real next year." Fall of 2015 according to the site. Read more

July 16, 2014

Last year, I had a nervous breakdown. It was the day after I realized my third book hadn’t sold much of anything at all, and all of my dreams of being a successful author drained, even as I miscarried the child I’d been carrying. So I lost my baby and my dream in the same day. I had no real control over either. And as hard as it was, it was also the day I woke up and realized my heart was in the wrong place. Read more

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