June 17, 2014

Baseball fans everywhere are mourning the loss this week of one of MLB's greatest players, Tony Gwynn. In his 20 years of playing at the professional level, Gwynn has built an impressive resume that includes 15 selections to the All-Star team, 8 batting titles, and 5 Golden Glove awards. He was selected to the Hall of Fame in his first year of eligibility, and it's easy to see why when... Read more

June 16, 2014

My wife Debra and I were sitting on a park bench overlooking a small lake. We were having our morning coffee and talking about the day ahead—the ordinary stuff of life. When our two daughters' names came up, Debra suddenly paused and got a faraway look in her eyes. After a long silence she said: "My job... Read more

June 13, 2014

We ALL have lots going on. But where do you draw the line? Which side of the fence are you on? There’s a fine line between multitasking and spinning out of control. [Click to tweet!] Burnout often happens when we take on too much. Our plates get overloaded, sometimes with good things, and it all starts to spin out of control. That’s when we lose it and start showing signs of burnout. That’s when we feel like it all just…... Read more

June 12, 2014

  Editor’s Note: another great post by The High Calling summer intern, Nathan Roberts Bless me, Guardian, for I have sinned. Just when you think we might’ve finally abolished that pesky notion of universal sin, The Guardian and The National Film Board of Canada are asking us to think again. On Monday, they released a fascinating collaborative project: “The Seven Deadly Digital Sins.” An “Interactive Reflection of our Digital Selves,” it’s a category-bending digital bricolage: part documentary film, part short... Read more

June 9, 2014

by Claire Burge I am eating a peach. I notice the white flesh that is laced with streaks of pinkish red fibers. I feel the fluff of the skin like an abrasion against my own. I taste the sugar water that pours from within it and I realize that I have not taken life in like this for many, many months. This refreshing perspective comes after a year of deep treading in very murky water. My career has hurt me... Read more

June 6, 2014

Okay, so some of you (like me) are geeking out over this. While others are wondering what the big deal is. If you’re in the latter group, then I just ask that you bear with me. The big Star Wars reference here is really only to make a bigger point about being (or creating something) iconic. Most real fans of the epic Star Wars film series know that Episode VII is currently in the works. This is kind of a... Read more

June 5, 2014

Dwaine Massey says, “I think it’s important for us to be representatives of Christ, to be ambassadors wherever we find ourselves.” In his role as an attorney, he’s able to add value to charitable organizations by serving on their boards and assisting with legal guidance. For others of us, it might be meeting different kinds of practical needs. What you do doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you just do something. [Click to tweet!] We’ve all been blessed... Read more

June 4, 2014

Editor’s Note: another great post by The High Calling summer intern, Nathan Roberts You like “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, don’t you? Of course you do. The song is catchy, plain and simple. Or maybe not so simple––new evidence suggests that “Happy” isn’t just catchy, but that when we hear it, we’re hardwired to get up and dance. And while it might seem crazy what I’m ‘bout to say, I think this study gives us a glimpse of how God has... Read more

June 2, 2014

by Glynn Young Q: Tell us about your career so far and the high calling of your work? For the past 16 years, I’ve worked in some leading Fortune 100 companies within the field of Shopper Insights and Analytics, the study of how and why people make the decisions they do about how they consume, including all the influencing factors. At the same time my faith has continually drawn me towards opportunities to serve those in need, both in my... Read more

May 29, 2014

For most of us, the idea of justice seems like something from a comic book. Superheroes in colored tights battling power hungry villains. Or maybe we look to our government for justice. Honorable people in black robes at the Supreme Court ruling on the laws of the land. Increasingly, the International Justice Mission (IJM) is helping us think more deeply about issues of justice in the world. Much of their work has focused on ending human trafficking, though they officially... Read more

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