Proper Preface or Collect for the Seventh Sunday of Easter

Proper Preface or Collect for the Seventh Sunday of Easter May 6, 2015

An alternative Proper Preface for the Seventh Sunday of Easter OR an introductory/closing collect for the Prayers of the People.

The purpose of this Proper Preface/Collect is to weave into the liturgy a sense of the Ascension. I think adding a prayer like this will complement the various references to Jesus “living and reigning” with the Father and Spirit scattered throughout the liturgy.

I have attempted to prayerfully and liturgically draw the connection between Jesus’ Incarnation, his earthly ministry, his Crucifixion, his Resurrection and his Ascension (exaltation).  There cannot and should not be any separation between the five events listed above for each serves as part of the interpretive matrix for the others; E.g. we only understand Jesus’ resurrection in light of his crucifixion. Holding this unity—and making sure that we include his ministry!—gives a fuller description of who Jesus was and what he did.

Finally, I have playfully adapted the typical closing to a Collect (“who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.”) in an attempt to make it more active but also more suitable as a potential Proper Preface.

Almighty God, we praise you for the exaltation of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to your right hand. Through his Incarnation, earthly ministry, crucifixion and resurrection he has conquered sin, evil and death and by his glorious ascension he is triumphantly reigning over all of creation. Grant us the ability and desire to follow our Sovereign King that one day we may be exalted to where he is: living and reigning with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

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