7 Proven and Highly Effective Principles for Christian Writers to Write about Sex

7 Proven and Highly Effective Principles for Christian Writers to Write about Sex August 12, 2016

CCO - Pixabay.com
CCO – Pixabay.com

Only use 7 – Seven Shall be thy Number

When numbering [especially about sex], don’t think in terms of sharing good information, think in terms of the number – the number is more important then what you desire to share. Remember, to be a highly effective Christian Write about sex, information is not that important – the number shall be seven. To paraphrase the Cleric in Monty Python’s Search for the Holy Grail; ‘Then shalt thou count to [seven], no more, no less. [Seven] shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be [seven]. [Eight] shalt thou not count, neither count thou [six], excepting that thou then proceed to [seven]. [Nine] is right out. Once the number [seven], being the [seventh] number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy [Article upon the web] towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.’

If I came upon an article with the title ‘6 proven… about sex’ I would feel cheated [like I’m missing a candy bar]; why could the author not think of some useless point to make it seven? If I come across and article that says ‘8 proven… about sex’ I would think, ‘dang, that’s a ton of reading – I’m out.’ As we all know Christians don’t cheat, or abuse, others, well at least they don’t what to get caught cheating, or abusing, others.

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