When Beliefs Become Idols (Quote to Ponder: Tim Keller)

When Beliefs Become Idols (Quote to Ponder: Tim Keller) April 5, 2011





While I was working on some research for the book of Jonah, I came across a quote that is worthy of pondering.  It makes me wonder if we in the religious community, on both the right left and center are making idols out of our theological convictions?  With all of the uproar about the future of evangelicalism and the coming split between the new Calvinists and those of us who don’t fit that label, I wonder if this quote from Tim Keller applies to us?  Have we been guilty of crossing the line from passion into idolatry and not even recognized it?  What thoughts come to your mind about idols in daily life that Christians are often tempted to embrace without even recognizing it? Do you see the irony of using a Keller quote in light of the context of this conversation? (Keller = favorite Calvinist!)

“An idol is something that we look to for things that only God can give.  Idolatry functions widely inside religious communities when doctrinal truth is elevated to the position of a false god.  This occurs when people rely on the rightness of their doctrine for their standing with God rather than on God himself and his grace.  It is a subtle but deadly mistake….  Another form of idolatry within religious communities turns spiritual gifts and ministry success into a counterfeit god….  Another kind of religious idolatry has to do with moral living itself…  Though we may give lip service to Jesus as our example and inspiration, we are still looking to ourselves and own own moral striving for salvation….  Making an idol out of doctrinal accuracy, ministry success, or moral rectitude leads to constant internal conflict, arrogance and self-righteousness, and oppression of those whose views differ.”  Tim Keller, Counterfeit Gods, p. 131-132

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