Parenting Reimagined Podcast: Dreaming of a Daughter Liberated and Loved

Parenting Reimagined Podcast: Dreaming of a Daughter Liberated and Loved March 21, 2013

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I recently was interviewed by my friend Sherry Walling, Ph.D. She the mother of two sons, a clinical psychologist,  a seminary graduate (Fuller), a world traveler, and a person who spends Friday nights at home in sweatpants. The Parenting Reimagined podcast is her brainchild.

I felt a bit odd thinking forwardly in this interview, so I have to admit that this was a situation where I didn’t feel “in my element.” All of my previous interviews have had to do with issues of ministry, politics, culture, or theology so this was a fresh experience for me. With that said, I’ve done some reflecting about the sort of parent I’d like to be and hopefully that is encouraging for folks who listen to my interview. I had fun chatting about parenting!

Now that I’m entering into this season of my life, I plan to occasionally write about issues of faith as they pertain to ministry within the home as parents. Certainly I will have my unique anabaptist spin to put on things and will invite feedback. I see this as an opportunity to encourage fellow parents while also learing from you all. This blog/podcast is the second entry in my new “Parenting” category. The first article I wrote about being a Dad is called: A soon-to-be dad dreams of a daughter liberated for her soon-to-be world.

I highly recommend that you subscribe to Parenting Reimagined. Below is the description of the purpose of this podcast.

Becoming a parent is a  life-changing event.  Much of the public conversation is about doing parenting tasks (sleep training, potty training, disciplining, preparing for college, being a tiger mother). We don’t talk much about the deeper experiences, the ones that stretch and transform us.

Parenting Reimagined is an attempt to move beyond the “how to’s” to deeper conversations about being a parent. It is a place for parents to talk about what parenting has taught them, how it has transformed them, and what it has meant for the landscape of their inner lives. It is a conversation about spirituality, identity, passion, vocation, mistakes, new beginnings, joy, and the many challenges of nurturing young lives. 

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