The Magician – Tarot For Today

The Magician – Tarot For Today January 12, 2017

It seems almost sacrilege to admit this, but I am not a tarot witch. I’m a fair magician. However, I’m completely inept when it comes to all things tarot related. I do like the pretty pictures and there’ s no end of lovely artwork to ooh! and aah! over. Phoenix, on the other hand, is quite the expert. She’s been reading since she was fifteen years old and reads tarot cards professionally as part of her day job.

I asked her if there was a specific card for this year, a piece of magic we could look to as a reminder for our work for the year. You know, sort of a theme card for 2017. Without batting an eyelid, she said “Oh! It’s the Magician.” Stunned by her immediate response, I asked “Why the magician?” Phoenix did some quick math – 2+0+1+7=10 reduces down to 1. One is the number of The Magician tarot card. “We are working with The Magician this year”, she excitedly exclaimed.

On the off chance that tarot isn’t your witchy superpower either, you might be wondering what working with The Magician for the year might look like. So I asked Phoenix for you.

The Magician - Tarot de Marseille - By Nicolas Conver ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The Magician – Tarot de Marseille – By Nicolas Conver ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Gwion: So tell me the basics. Broad strokes. What’s The Magician card all about?

Phoenix: In old French decks, he is called Le Bateleur. In the old Italian decks he is called Il Bagatto or Il Bagatello. These roughly translate as the stage magician. In other old world decks he is known as the Artisan. These titles are much lower in status than the fancy-pants Magician that he has become in the modern decks. At some point he goes from a sleight of hand, con artist to the magus, the knower of mysteries.

The Magician as we know him today was greatly impacted by Arthur Waite, William Rider, and Pamela Coleman Smith, who are mainly responsible for what most modern tarot decks looks like. No longer a con man, The Magician possesses the very symbols of power represented in the tarot: cups, swords, wands, and pentacles, you know, the Elements. He is dripping in symbolism; the infinity symbol over his head, an ouroboros for a belt, a garden of flowers, and the specific colors of his clothes.

Gwion: I know just enough tarot to get that cards have their own meanings and that meaning can change depending on what other cards you might pull in the reading, but gut feeling, f you pulled only one card and it was The Magician, what might that point to?

Phoenix: When The Magician appears, it’s a sign that there are resources. We have everything we need, and on a deeper level, we know what it is we must do. His message shows us that we must  use the resources we have. The tools are there right in front of us on the table and we just have to pick them up and utilize them. It is a time to manifest your desires, to achieve your goals. The Magician showing up is a good omen, a positive sign, and a solid yes.

The Magician card In Tarot points to yes - CC0 Public Domain Free for commercial use
The Magician card In Tarot points to yes – CC0 Public Domain
                                                                                Free for commercial use

Gwion: Okay. When we facilitate various workshops or engage with folks magically, we often challenge ourselves to look at what’s happening personally, locally and globally. So how would you view The Magician by those three criteria?

Phoenix: Hmmm…Let me see. On a personal level, The Magician suggests success. So now would be the time to go after your big goals. Start the project. Write the Book. Plan the trip to Ireland. It’s important to remember that you have the resources or, said another way, the resources are there and you have access to them. Resources can look like tangible items, but keep in mind that they can show up as people, inspiration, space to create that thing. Resources can be connections too.

On a local level, I’d say this year is a time for us to remember that we are the kiss between Earth and Heaven. Looking at The Magician from a Pagan community perspective, we have to remember that he is the epitome of the saying, “as above, so below”. Moving through this year,  it will be important to hold those words sacred and remember (or learn) how to be in the world of spirit and the world of humanity. It is imperative that we come together in community (all of the intersectional communities many witches are part of) and hold our relationships as sacred. What are the resources that hold us in unity, rather than tear us apart. The tools are right there on the table, so let’s remember to pick them up.

Globally is a harder question to answer. I suppose the answer for global and local are shades of the same answer, but globally it’s amplified, magnified, more intense. From a global perspective, perhaps we can ask what is it that The Magician wants? Who is he connected to? Why is he in his line of work? Remember, he used to be a con-man, so how do we deal with his history?  Where are we being conned? What personal and local work are we engaged with that might have a global impact? What are the signs and keys to success  and resources available to us all, when looking at it from a wide macro and small micro.

Gwion: – Last question then, just one or two words that I can write on a white board, reminding myself that The Magician will influence my year?

Phoenix: Resources are on the table. Go for it.

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