June 17, 2012

Okay, okay, enough already with the vagina.  Even I, with my newfound comfort level around the correct for term lady-parts, am getting a little tired of the jokes.  (Though, I must say, my favorite from this list of “Vagina” alternatives has GOT to be “God’s Stab Wound.”) Something I hinted at in my previous post, “Vaginas to the Left, Vaginas to the Right,” was that I am borderline compulsive about seeking out opposing viewpoints from which I can learn, and... Read more

June 15, 2012

Here’s one of the things I’m good at.  Seeing the other side.  I do it in many of my pieces about women’s rights…especially when it comes to advocating legal and safe abortions.  I’m going to try it again, here.  This is me, playing devil’s advocate, tongue-in-cheek style. Let’s just asssseeewwwwwwwme that the censure of Michigan State Lawmaker, Lisa Brown, was NOT a result of her having used the dreaded (correct) term, “Vagina”  “Hoo-hah.”  Let’s asssseeewwwwwwwme that the male Republican leadership was... Read more

May 29, 2012

Ah, Summer.  Poets wax philosophical about thee.  Children long for thee.  Lawns turn brown in thee.  I capitalize thee.  Facebook blows up with graduation and prom pictures upon the arrival of thee.  And now, I shall stop calling thee “thee.” Last June, when I was just a baby blogger, I wrote a post for Catonsville Patch called “Measures of Success,” in which I list and give an accurate account of my accomplishments and the importance they’ve played in my life.  Well,... Read more

May 17, 2012

To the Editor of Time Magazine, Rather than play into the outrage you so transparently tried to provoke, I shrug my shoulders. Rather than blog about the unfairness and insensitivity of your cover, I leave that to others who have done so with far more aplomb than I could. Rather than read the firestorm of criticism and debate that exploded in the blogesphere, I chose  three from writers I really respect.  One was a direct response, and the other two... Read more

May 2, 2012

Before I began blogging, I wrote a Facebook note about my experiences with “stranger danger” – first as a child, then as a parent. Yesterday, I met my local Patch editor for lunch and to catch up.  We talked about lots of things, but among them were a bunch of ideas I had for future blog posts.  (No, silly.  After my friend, Mara’s aggravation with plagiarism, I’m not sharing the ideas here…) Then this happened.  The list of ideas went... Read more

April 13, 2012

Oh, for the love of Pete. Okay, I am not a news junkie – nor am I an expert on anything other than being minimally overscheduled.  I just really need to vent here.  Bit of a tantrum – sorry in advance. Hillary Rosen and the dubiously-named “Mommy Wars?”  Eager to pounce on the slightest misstep, Republicans and Stay-at-Home-Moms are up in arms about her comments about Ann Romney.  Is there ANYONE who really thinks Rosen’s comments were an attack on... Read more

March 30, 2012

I wrote this last May after hearing about an absolutely horrific, avoidable car accident in which several teenagers (one of them was an acquaintance’s niece) lost their lives.  Some of them, slowly. I’m reblogging it because Spring Break is upon us, and after that, Senior Weeks, Prom season, then graduation parties.  Catonsville Patch re-ran it before New Year’s Eve.  I don’t know if they will run it yet again. I’ve made some new friends since both postings, and I am... Read more

March 26, 2012

It all started a couple of years ago, when my hubby, kids and I were visiting my sister and her fam over Spring Break.  Okay, wait…it started a couple of weeks before that – when my awesome friend, Mitch, was reeling from disbelief that I’d never seen the movie, “The Ten Commandments.”  The one with the NRA enthusiast and the King of Siam?  Correctly deducing that this meant I was a horrible Jew and had not actively been passing on... Read more

March 24, 2012

He does plumbing AND legos! Read more

March 19, 2012

Full disclosure – I did not take this picture, nor do I know who did.  I don’t know if it’s new, or if it’s been around for a while.  I don’t even know if this is an argument any actual thinking human being is attempting to make, or if this guy is being filmed as an extra on a movie set.  Either way, it’s going around fb as an anti-choice statement by people I DO know – AND LIKE –... Read more

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