When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hillary,” part three

When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hillary,” part three July 21, 2016

Even more, how much is a person supposed to swallow in the name of any loyalty? These are reasonable questions, and they go far behind political party loyalty. They drill into the core of my own soul.

When something or someone to which/whom we have pledged loyalty violates the core of our convictions, what options shall we choose? Is loyalty the number one virtue? What about faithfulness to core principles? When do we dispense with caring for the poor and outcast in the name of loyalty to some sort of institution, especially when institutions are inevitably deeply flawed? These questions dance all over my head.

As I rule, I read the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times daily. The NY Times appears to be rabidly anti-Donald and generally supportive of Hillary. The WSJ appears to be rabidly anti-Hillary with a tepid at best support of Donald.

Reading them both helps me gain perspective.

An editorial by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. in the WSJ earlier this week caught my eye.

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