When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hillary,” part six

When an “anyone but Donald” is married to an “anyone but Hillary,” part six September 1, 2016

democrat republican politics-cropI almost thought I could stomach a Donald presidency, mainly because I fear he is going to win and am trying to steel myself. Also, for the last couple of weeks, his “handlers” seem to have put him on a tight leash and he came close to sounding like a normal, rational, possibly even decent human being.

Then he went to Mexico, followed by his “I hate everyone who is not a white American who thinks like I do and I think it is wonderful for you to hate them too” speech in Arizona.

This morning, I perused the news stories. And if the Wall Street Journal, a newspaper with a strong Republican bent and a consistent “We hate Hillary” stance, is going to be this critical, then perhaps the nation will manage not to elect Donald.

But I find myself fixated by the polls, particularly his chances of winning as projected by the FiveThirtyEight team put together by Nate Silver. In the last two weeks, Donald went from a low of 10% chance of winning to a more than 25% chance now.

What is going on?

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