Robert Schuller’s Son: “Nobody Listens to Preaching”

Robert Schuller’s Son: “Nobody Listens to Preaching” June 22, 2009

From an interview done with Christianity Today:

“I’ll probably have 5- to 10-minute messages throughout the program, but it won’t be sitting down with three points and a poem. Chris Wyatt resigned a month before I left the Cathedral because his investors told him they wanted to take God out of GodTube. Chris discovered through GodTube that nobody listened to preaching. People are interested in other ways to communicate the message, such as interviews as opposed to a talking head.”

Schuller was kicked off his father’s television program The Hour of Power because he preaches too much Bible, reportedly.  This has led him to the conclusion that people don’t listen to preaching.  Praise God, this is not true.  People will listen to preaching.  But it needs to be stout, true, and passionate.  It is not strong biblical preaching that fails to draw attention, most often–it is weak, piddly, watered-down preaching.

Biblical preaching is alive and well.  So is its object, Jesus Christ.

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