Ides of March

Ides of March January 17, 2012

Bottom Line: This tale of losing innocence in a high-stakes primary presidential campaign is well-done, but will appeal to a small audience.

The Gist: Steven (Ryan Gosling) is a young politico working on the campaign of the man he believes should be the next president (George Clooney). As the primary race shenanigans heat up, Steven is courted by the opposition and Steven discovers something about his boss that could be a race-killer. Read our full review.

The Verdict: If you love politics, watch it. It’s a gritty, savvy, and fairly realistic look at the inside of a campaign, although some of the Democratic policies advocated in the background are  downright laughable (I’m talking about you, mandatory-two-years-of-service). Clooney, no stranger to politics, knows more about the system than most of Hollywood, yet the film ends up being anything but idealistic. Its deep thread of cynicism will make you want to move to a monarchy, which is why it earned a place on our list of the most Blue State movies of 2011.

Be Aware: Rated R for pervasive language, this film contains no violence. It has a sexual storyline that is not shown, but is part of the plot. Suitable for some teens.

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