Random Thoughts on Scandinavia

Random Thoughts on Scandinavia March 11, 2007

Gas costs $6.32 per gallon.

Fundamentalism — as we know it in the U.S. — is not possible here. I don’t know if it’s the socialism, the media (which simply would not cover fundamentalist leaders), the church-state mix or what, but it just wouldn’t work. I asked everyone I could, and they all agreed that American fundamentalism will never take root in northern Europe. Pentecostalism? Yes. Conservative evangelicalism? To be sure. But not fundamentalism.

No one is obese. I saw nary an obese person in a whole week.

Among men, horizontally-striped shirts are popular. We wear only vertical stripes in the States. They say that vertical stripes are slimming. So I guess this is related to the last item.

The beauty of a hairstyle is definitely in the eye of the beholder. There is no stronger argument for the contextualization of beauty than the Euro Mullet.

Other than the horizontal stripes and the mullets, I felt very much at home here.

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