November 9, 2020

On Saturday 7th November the former chief rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, Lord Rabbi Sacks, lost his battle with cancer at the age of 72. This conversation is an excerpt from a longer interview in which Sacks eloquently summed up the problem with political battles that have become ever more divisive in the four years since this Q&A was recorded. Rabbi Sacks was made a life peer and given a seat in British Parliament’s House of... Read more

November 6, 2020

When an investigator excludes God from a theory, are they engaging in cutting edge science or do they have an axe to grind? Justin Brierley frequently ends his Unbelievable? shows by posing a powerful question to his guests: “What type of evidence would cause you to change your mind about the existence or non-existence of God?” The reason it is such a powerful question is because it filters out the truth-seekers from the talking heads, the instigators from the inquisitive... Read more

November 3, 2020

  Critical Race Theory (CRT) is viewed by many as a controversial way of understanding racism through the dynamics of oppressed and oppressor groups. Unbelievable? addressed this important topic by featuring a fascinating discussion between the theoretical chemist, apologist and homeschooler Neil Shenvi and Rasool Berry, teaching pastor at The Bridge Church in New York city.  Shenvi believes that CRT is a dangerous worldview that is at odds with the gospel and is increasingly being embraced in evangelical circles. Berry,... Read more

October 30, 2020

Mind as the fundamental reality behind the universe, whether the logos of the philosophers, the whims of the gods or the declarations of the heavens, was the default metaphysical understanding of the cosmos for hundreds of years until the enlightenment project took it to the lab, lobotomized it and replaced it with collocating chemicals. C.S. Lewis rejected this reductionist approach by arguing that our ability to reason must come from an immaterial mind and not a chemical quagmire. Unbelievable? tackled the... Read more

October 28, 2020

With less than a week until the US election, Christian radio host and author Eric Metaxas and Christian commentator David French share their thoughts on which way to vote. Their comments are taken from a debate hosted by John Brown University’s Center for Faith and Flourishing. You can hear more of their (somewhat heated) debate on a special US election edition of Unbelievable? If you’re still struggling to decide after reading both sides of the argument, you may find Professor... Read more

October 22, 2020

Dave Rubin is one of the bright lights of the intellectual dark web. He occupies that unique niche inhabited by the likes of Jordan Peterson and Douglas Murray, where the sacred and secular rub shoulders. Tired of living in a contentious world of non-overlapping magisteria, these men seek a parley. They aren’t puppets of a particular ideology but a curious audience who just wants to know who is really pulling the strings.  Rubin was featured in a brilliant conversation with... Read more

October 19, 2020

Douglas Murray is a best-selling author and award winning political and social commentator. He was raised in a Christian home but his belief in God waned over time eventually disappearing in his late twenties. He continues to embrace the positive influence that Christianity, specifically the teachings of Jesus, has had on Western culture but does so without all the divine baggage. He finds himself adopting the odd designation of “Christian atheist.” Lighting Up the Dark Web Douglas is a fascinating... Read more

October 14, 2020

British comedian Russell Brand often posts spiritual musings on his social media accounts, but his recent ten minute video on prayer is particularly poignant and worth making time to watch. Brand begins by saying that he’s made it a custom in his own life to pray daily. While he admits he’s not a theologian (although he did recently take an online course by Bart Ehrman), he has some really helpful insights into prayer.  “In a way they say that we pray... Read more

October 10, 2020

  Christians on both sides of the Atlantic were taken aback when Jon Steingard announced on social media that he was finding he could “no longer believe in God”. But a recent dialogue on suffering suggests the former Hawk Nelson rock singer may still be making up his mind about faith. Back in June, Jon was invited onto Unbelievable?  to share some of his big questions with apologist Sean McDowell (you can read more about this here). One area they didn’t... Read more

October 6, 2020

While the cross unites the Christian faithful, it has also been a source of controversy. The cross is dismissed as cosmic child abuse by atheists and hotly debated in Christian circles as to its atoning significance. Christian philosopher, William Lane Craig, notes that despite its doctrinal significance, atonement theory has not undergone adequate philosophical analysis and so was inspired to write, Atonement and the Death of Christ. It looks at the biblical, historical, and philosophical development of atonement theory and... Read more

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