“It is an honour I dream not of”

“It is an honour I dream not of” June 17, 2012

(made by a friend)

I have a somewhat lengthy post lined up for tomorrow, so, for today, just an amusing story.  A group of my friends are playing Dungeons and Dragons, and recently fessed up that I feature in the backstory of one of the villainous characters.  One of my friends is playing as a pyromaniac fallen paladin (in DnD, a Paladin is a lawful good character class that are holy knights, consecrated to a particular god in the DnD pantheon).

But why is he a fallen paladin?  Well, apparently, my friends used my blog as inspiration for his crusading order and imagined a community of theologian-mathmaticians.  When the character couldn’t hack the high level theory, he went mad, and swore to blot out the world of Math,Truth, and Goodness that he had failed to grasp.

Please consider this my apology to all the NPCs he’s torched and a warning that reading this blog may be hazardous to your soul and/or alignment.

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